Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 621 She Smells Like Mom

Chapter 621 She Smells Like Mom

"Okay, be your wife."

Lu Sihui answered in a low voice, she didn't even know what she was talking about?I just knew that she wanted to be with Zhou Zixu, just the two of them, keep boo booing.

Thinking in his heart, he put his hands on his neck, Zhou Zixu glanced at his nephew and grandfather, as well as his brother-in-law and aunt Su, and he couldn't do it in front of so many people, no matter how thick-skinned he was.

Ke Sihui's pouting approach could not be seen by others, a flash of inspiration flashed in his head, and he yelled while Aunt Su and Grandpa weren't paying attention.

"No, I'd better carry you up!"

A princess hugged her waist, picked up Lu Sihui, and strode upstairs.

My heart is sweet and bitter.

The sweetness is because the lover is in the arms. Anyone who is passionately in love knows the taste of happiness.

The bitter thing is that Lu Sihui's little hands are dishonest, pinching his fierce muscles for a while, pulling his neck for a while, and bringing the red beeping little mouth closer.

When she didn't get a response, she simply buried her face in his neck and gnawed on him. The torture of happiness almost made Zhou Zixu collapse.

Does this annoying little villain know that he is playing with fire?
"Put Sihui in my room! I'll take care of her in the middle of the night."

Aunt Su followed closely upstairs, seeing Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu's intimate movements, she was two steps behind in embarrassment, and said something loudly to remind Zhou Zixu.

"it is good."

Zhou Zixu is worried!Aunt Su's suggestion is undoubtedly the best way, with her taking care of her, I can rest assured.

"Grandpa, isn't Aunt Sihui going to sleep with me?"

Dong Sheng pouted unhappily, how could your lord not keep his word?
"Auntie Sihui drank too much, I blame my grandfather for this matter, can my grandfather accompany Dongsheng tonight?"

Seeing that Sihui was being taken care of by Aunt Su, Mr. Zhou would not have slipped past in the middle of the night. Seeing how sad his great-grandson was, he decided to spend the night with the child.

"It doesn't matter what adults say."

Dongsheng was still very unhappy. He wanted Aunt Sihui because she smelled like a mother, and he felt happy to be hugged to sleep by her.

Zhou Zixu sent Lu Sihui to Aunt Su's room all the way, put her gently on the bed, and told Aunt Su to make sober soup.

"Aunt Su, help me to make sober soup, and get me a basin of warm water and a towel, and I'll wipe her off."

Looking at the charming Sihui with drunken eyes on the bed, how could Zhou Zixu be willing to leave.

"Okay, watch carefully, if you want to vomit, there is a spittoon in the corridor."

Aunt Su nodded, before leaving, she did not forget to give some advice.

"Okay, I get it."

Zhou Zixu now hopes that only he and Sihui can be together, and she will leave tomorrow, and this short time was actually spent in her drunkenness.

After Aunt Su went out, Zhou Zixu wanted to go to the corridor to get a spittoon, but Lu Sihui held on to his hand.

"Hey, do you feel like throwing up?"

Zhou Zixu sat on the edge of the bed, stroked the messy hair covering her face with his big hands, and looked at her tenderly.

In his eyes, Sihui is perfect, no matter what she is, he likes her.

"Don't go, I miss you."

Lu Sihui directly plunged her little furry head into Zhou Zixu's arms, hugged his neck and murmured.

Zhou Zixu's blood boiled when he heard that, he put his big arms around her waist, and kissed her on the forehead.

"I miss you too. I miss you so much. Every piece of paper in that letter is about you."

His voice was hoarse, and he spoke next to Lu Sihui's ear. This voice was more intoxicating than red wine.

His breath, his smell, the hot air he blew into her ears made Lu Sihui's eyes gradually blurred, and she domineeringly pulled him towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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