Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 622 This is Incredible

Chapter 622 This is Incredible
Zhou Zixu put his hands on Lu Sihui's side, and was passively pulled into her arms by her. Before he could speak, Lu Sihui's Hong Ying caught his Bo Chun accurately.

An electric current spread to his heart, how could Zhou Zixu be willing to push her away, put his big hand on the back of her neck, hugged her tightly into his heart, and deepened the poo condescendingly.

The air was full of love, and Lu Sihui closed her beautiful big eyes, intoxicated by this boo.

She always feels that it is not enough, but she doesn't know what else to do next?
"Sihui, we have to pay attention."

Zhou Zixu felt that Sihui had already ignited a flame on him, and his eyes were so red that only she could relieve it.

But he can't hurt Sihui, and he can't let her be criticized because of his momentary pleasure.

"do not go."

Sakura's edge suddenly lost its temperature, and the soft, soft and intoxicating pureness moved away. She pouted her lips unhappily, and narrowed her misty eyes slightly, as if she was sending an invitation to Zhou Zixu.

Such a beautiful, charming woman is also the woman he loves, which man can not be emotional?
Zhou Zixu exerted his great restraint, so he didn't make a move to ask her.

Aunt Su knocked on the door and entered the room, she was afraid of seeing what she shouldn't see.

"Give you the water first, and I'll make sober soup."

When Aunt Su entered the door, she saw two young people with flushed faces and fascinated eyes. People who came here, don't know why?

Blushing, he pushed the door out and closed the door for them.

"Sihui, I'll wash your face and feet for you."

Zhou Zixu covered his embarrassing part with his clothes, went over to soak the towel in the washbasin, and used this action to relieve his desire for her.


Lu Sihui sat obediently by the bed, looking at Zhou Zixu with love in her eyes.

I'm afraid at this time, even if Zixu gave her a pill of poison, she would take it without hesitation.

Zhou Zixu wrung out the towel, flipped it back and forth twice in his hands to make the towel less hot, and then went to help Sihui wipe her face.

At this time, Sihui was very well-behaved, didn't move around, just looked at him with those big eyes that could talk.

With such a cute appearance, Zhou Zixu couldn't help but peck her on the mouth, it was so sweet, I really wanted to see her every day when I opened my eyes.

After wiping his face, he knelt down to help Lu Sihui take off her socks and wash her feet.

Aunt Su entered the room with hangover soup, and this was what she saw. Zhou Zixu squatted on the ground, caressing Sihui's snow-white feet with both hands, rubbing and washing her carefully.

This is simply unbelievable, Zhou Zixu can help others wash their feet?Besides his grandfather, Sihui is the second person.

Reminiscent of the dumplings that Lu Sihui spat out with both hands just now, Aunt Su felt that this reckless prodigal son settled down.

And the one who made him willing to do all this was the little girl in front of him.

The fat girl before, the ice cube after that, and the cuteness now.

The eye circles are a little red, the eyeballs are swollen, and I want to cry.

If only Zixu's mother was still alive, it would be so gratifying to see her son find the woman he loves.

"Hangover soup."

She walked over and put the soup on the small table. Although she was an aunt, the Zhou family did not treat her badly. The house had all the furniture that should be there, and the bed was double, so it was very comfortable to sleep on.

"Thank you Aunt Su."

Zhou Zixu didn't feel that it was shameful for him to wash Sihui's feet, so he took a towel to help her dry, then turned around and picked up the hangover soup.

"Sihui, good boy, let's drink hangover soup, and your stomach will feel comfortable after drinking it."

His voice was very gentle, as gentle as if water was about to drip.


Lu Sihui took a sip and began to shake her head, refusing to drink any more, Zhou Zixu was anxious, and glanced at Aunt Su, she would only be able to help herself if she went out.

(End of this chapter)

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