Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 625 This medicine is not something you can take casually

Chapter 625 This medicine is not something you can take casually

Although Lu Sihui was carrying Zhou Zixu on her back, she made the gesture of putting medicine into her mouth. Zixu was tall, so she still put something into her mouth.


Lu Sihui didn't hide it from him, it was normal to take medicine for headaches.

"Aunt Su gave you the medicine?"

Zhou Zixu frowned, this medicine is not taken casually.


Lu Sihui took the cup and drank it down, not wanting him to ask further questions. The pills were a bit bitter, and she swallowed them along with the water, but there was still some stickiness in her throat, so she had to drink two more sips of water to swallow them completely.

"You have a terrible headache, don't you? Let me give you a massage. It will make you feel better."

Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui with a frown, and felt distressed when she saw her frowning slightly. After speaking, he really came over to help her massage her temples. The thin Lu Sihui was held in his hands, feeling like a little bird.

Zhou Zixu pressed Sihui's temples gently one by one, not too big or too small.

At this moment, the time was quiet and beautiful, and neither of them could bear to break this beauty. Lu Sihui closed her eyes, and Zhou Zixu's massage technique was very good, neither light nor heavy.

I don't know if it was his massage that helped or the painkillers, but Lu Sihui's head really didn't hurt anymore.

She raised her hand to hold his hands, not allowing him to massage herself again, turned around and looked up at his black eyes as bright as stars, and smiled lightly:
"Thank you, my head doesn't hurt anymore."

"Sihui, don't take medicine indiscriminately in the future. If you have a headache, I will give you a massage."

Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui and asked solemnly.


Lu Sihui agreed, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Sihui, I love you so much."

Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui in his arms, and said the most beautiful words in the world in a hoarse voice.

Lu Sihui opened her eyes and looked at him with a smile. The serious Zhou Zixu is simply too cute. She really wanted to take out the camera in the space capsule and take a picture of him now, so as to keep this love forever.

"Give you a New Year's gift, see if you like it?"

Zhou Zixu opened the door and went out, taking out the surprise hidden outside the door for Sihui.

This is the masterpiece he did not sleep all night last night.

"Eagle, I like it."

Lu Sihui saw that he handed over a painting scroll, and when she opened it, it was an eagle, which was different from the one he gave her before. This eagle had more determination in its eyes, spread its wings and soared proudly above the blue sky, looking down on everything The pride, the lofty arrogance in his heart, lost the loneliness of the eagle before.

Compared with the last painting, Lu Sihui likes this one better. It represents Zixu, flying proudly between the heaven and the earth, with the ambition to rise above the clouds.

"Sihui, I am like this now, ready to soar into the sky, just wait, be my most beautiful bride in May."

Zhou Zixu held Sihui's hand and solemnly promised her.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui didn't have the twitchiness of ordinary girls, she liked the feeling of being with Zixu, his smile, his sunshine, and his doting on her.

Since I like him so much, marrying him is the best choice, we will get along day and night, sweet and sweet.

It was the happy life she wanted most in her previous life.

"time to eat."

Zhou Zixu had just carried Sihui into the bad room, and was about to express his love for her again, when Aunt Su shouted from downstairs.

"I can't kiss, let's go downstairs to eat!"

Zhou Zixu shrugged helplessly, the time with Sihui was always so short.

Lu Sihui smiled mischievously at him and whispered something in his ear. "Who said that?"

(End of this chapter)

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