Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 626 Clearly Alienated

Chapter 626 Clearly Alienated

Zhou Zixu looked at the girl in his arms with a smile, Sihui failed in his studies, and blew hot air into his ears.

Just when she was about to say that she was naughty, she hooked her neck and let out a hot boo.

"This is not enough."

A red cloud flew over Lu Sihui's face, and there seemed to be puddles of water in her eyes, shining brightly.

"Haha, if you go out now, Aunt Su will definitely know what we did?"

Zhou Zixu looked at the corners of Lu Sihui's mouth that hurt from being poked by him, and her red face, and smiled and tapped the tip of her nose.

"I'm not afraid."

Lu Sihui didn't care, she didn't take it seriously at all.

"Let's go! Jianguo is worried about you!"

Zhou Zixu took her by the hand and walked out of the room, otherwise he couldn't restrain the impulse in his heart when he saw the bed.

"Happy New Year, grandpa."

When Lu Sihui went downstairs and saw her grandpa, she yelled, "I was ashamed last night, I drank too much and didn't remember whether I wished grandpa New Year's greetings?"Make it up today.

"Okay, happy new year, grandpa will give you a big red envelope."

Mr. Zhou smiled happily, and handed the red envelope he had prepared to Lu Sihui.

There are also Jianguo and Dongsheng, but they are much smaller than Sihui's.

"Grandpa, I'm old and don't need red envelopes."

Lu Sihui shook her head and refused, she was already 20 years old and wanted a red envelope?

"That won't work, you are my future granddaughter-in-law, this red envelope must be kept."

The old man laughed heartily. The granddaughter-in-law he was looking for couldn't let her run away.

The old man likes Sihui's side that doesn't love money.

Hearing that it was for his daughter-in-law, Lu Sihui looked sideways at Zhou Zixu, seeing him nodding to her with a smile in his eyes, as if saying, take it!daughter in law.

"Thank you grandpa."

Seeing Zixu's promise, Lu Sihui generously accepted the red envelope, but she blushed a little this time when she called her grandpa.

"Okay, eat."

Seeing her accepting the red envelope, the old man smiled happily and closed his eyes, feeling very happy.

"Grandpa, happy new year."

The door opened, and a gust of cold wind blew into the room, bringing a little bit of coolness.

Zhou Zisong's tall body stood at the door, and he paid New Year's greetings to his grandfather before changing his shoes.

New Year's greetings are originally a happy thing, you should have a smile on your face and a soft voice.

He is good, still with a cold and serious face.

It's not like paying New Year's greetings to grandpa, but rather like being serious when facing the leader.

Mr. Zhou frowned. When will he tear off his grandson's cold mask?

"happy New Year."

Finally, he had the intention to come back to pay him New Year's greetings. The old man nodded and replied in a flat voice.

"Dad, happy new year."

Dongsheng was the happiest. He rushed over and didn't care whether his father was cold or not, and raised his hand to let him hug him.

"it is good."

Zhou Zisong pushed his son away, not wanting the coldness on his body to make him catch a cold.

But Dong Sheng didn't think so, and looked at his father sadly, like an abandoned child, pitiful.

"Brother, happy new year."

Zhou Zixu was wearing casual clothes at home, so naturally he didn't salute Zhou Zisong.

The dumpling banquet on the first day of junior high school, which was originally relaxed and happy, was turned into a meal in the canteen of the work unit by Zhou Zisong's return, with a tense and serious face.

What Lu Jianguo was most afraid of was Zhou Zisong and Zhou Baichuan. These two people were always like icebergs. As long as they were there, the air would suddenly drop, and people would shiver from the cold.

"Grandpa, I'm going back to the propaganda team."

Lu Sihui stood up and said goodbye to Mr. Zhou without eating much.

Zhou Zisong looked up at her bowl, then withdrew his eyes and ate the dumplings silently, as if he didn't hear what she said.

Zhou Zixu stood up and asked Zhou Zisong directly: "Brother, did you drive back?"

(End of this chapter)

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