Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 629 It's Rare in a Two-Player World

Chapter 629
Zhou Zixu shook his head at her. He has been looking for a house through others, but there is no suitable one. It is too remote and unsafe to take it. The city is too chaotic and too small. There are too few options. .

And it's almost Chinese New Year, no one will sell a house at this time, usually wait until the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming.

"Wait a minute, my brother-in-law asked someone to help me! As long as there is a suitable one, we will buy it."

Zhou Zixu comforted his brother-in-law, the money is still with him, Sihui never asked, it was because of his trust.

After comforting Lu Jianguo, Zhou Zixu left with Sihui, and the Zhou family fell into silence.

Zhou Zisong went upstairs with Dong Sheng in his arms. The old man walked to the window and looked out. He sighed and looked away when Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui were no longer in sight.

The corners of my eyes are a little wet. I wonder if this is the last Spring Festival I have spent?
Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui walked in the snow up to their ankles, talking and laughing without feeling tired at all.

I even felt that the road was too short, and I wished I could walk for a while. The world between the two of us was rare, and we both cherished it very much.

It was inconvenient to shake hands with cotton gloves on, so Lu Sihui simply took off one and held it with Zhou Zixu's big hand.

Feeling the warmth from him, she smiled mischievously at him.

The red scarf was covered with hoarfrost after exhaling heat, and there were more eyelashes. She had to raise her hand to wipe it frequently, otherwise it would clump more.

"I don't wear scarves anymore."

She raised her hand and pulled the scarf under her mouth, only then did she feel that her breathing was unobstructed, and her eyes didn't always feel foggy.

"It's easy to get embarrassed."

Zhou Zixu frowned and came over to help her re-arm herself. The two days of Chinese New Year were colder than usual, with heavy snow and wind. He was afraid that Sihui would be frozen.

When he helped Sihui tidy her scarf, he stood facing each other, and in the eyes of outsiders, it was as if they were hugging each other.


There was a hurried horn sound behind him, Zhou Zixu turned his face and looked back, it was a green jeep, the license plate was covered with snow and ice, and the license plate could not be seen clearly, but the driver could see it clearly, it was his elder brother.

"Big brother?"

Zhou Zixu couldn't help frowning, he followed so soon?

"Get in the car, I'll see you off."

Zhou Zisong opened the car door and looked at the two of them with cold eyes. There was no warmth in his voice, as cold as the snowflakes flying all over the sky.

"All right!"

Zhou Zixu originally wanted to say no, but seeing that Sihui's legs were covered with snow, he was afraid that it would get into her shoes and freeze her feet to death.

In front of the eldest brother, he still held Sihui's hand, not caring about his frowning.

"Thank you bro."

After getting in the car, Zhou Zixu let out a sigh of relief, his voice sounded a bit copious, as if he didn't want to say thank you willingly.

"I heard from your brother that you want to buy a house?"

Zhou Zisong ignored his younger brother, but looked in the rearview mirror and asked Lu Sihui.


Lu Sihui froze for a moment, her younger brother spoke to her in a low voice, did not expect him to hear it?

However, Zhou Zixu knew that his elder brother could read lips just like himself. No matter how soft Lu Jianguo's voice was, as long as he could see the shape of his mouth, he would know what you were talking about?
Zhou Zisong's eyes flashed with vigilance, and he stared at Lu Sihui from the rear mirror. He became suspicious. She grew up in the countryside. Zhao Jinchen said that her family was very poor.

Later, when she came to be a comrade, her monthly salary was substantial. She was only around [-] when she first became a comrade. Lu Jianguo also needed money to go to school, and there was basically not much left to buy two more clothes.

It costs at least 200 yuan to buy a house, which is a huge sum from her experience.

His voice was cold, with an obvious interrogation posture in his tone.

"Where did you get the money?"

(End of this chapter)

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