Chapter 630

"What? Director Zhou suspects me again?"

Lu Sihui looked at him sarcastically. Like Zhao Jinchen, he both liked to be suspicious.

"Brother, why do you still doubt Sihui? She made money from selling wild boars, do you want to send her to the speculator's office?"

Zhou Zixu glared at his elder brother angrily. Last time he doubted Sihui, he put himself under anesthesia and locked him up, letting Sihui and him go through life and death. After all, she was still the eldest brother's savior.

For that task, Sihui contributed a lot, and if there is no credit, there is still hard work, right?This makes me wonder at every turn, is the eldest brother going too far?
"Wild boar?"

Zhou Zisong's eyes flickered coldly. He remembered that Lu Sihui had caught a wild boar in the inner mountain of Kaoshan Tun. This should not be fake.

It's just that it may be an excuse, the source of the money is unknown, and there is nothing wrong with doubting.

"Where did you catch the wild boar, who can prove it?"

He asked questions one after another, but he didn't relax his vigilance at all because of Zixu's words.

I even feel that my younger brother's love is too blind to keep a clear head.

"It was caught on the hill behind this unit. No one proved it. But when I went to sell wild pork, I was caught by many inspectors. Those people should be regarded as proof."

Lu Sihui replied with a sneer, she didn't expect that the inspectors who arrested her before would now become her witnesses.

I suddenly felt wronged in my heart, why do I keep doubting her?

"Okay, date."

Zhou Zisong didn't give up just because of her answer, he was ready to chase after her.

"Brother, you are enough, don't go too far, those inspectors with red armbands, if they know that it is Sihui who sells wild pork that day, they will arrest her, Sihui's identity is the iron-blooded team member, are you trying to kill her ?”

Zhou Zixu's voice seemed to be roaring because of his anger.

He almost revealed that his elder brother plotted against him. While suspicious of Sihui, he also asked her to perform dangerous tasks. He also told Zhao Jinchen that if Lu Sihui was found to be acting suspiciously, he would be shot dead on the spot.

These things were suppressed by him, if Sihui knew, according to her temper, she would repay her flaws regardless of her elder brother being the leader.


Zhou Zisong ignored Zixu's anger, parked the car on the side of the road, and stared at Lu Sihui with cold eyes.

"The second day of New Year's Day."

Lu Sihui's face turned pale with anger, and she tried her best not to quarrel with Zhou Zisong, but the tone of her answer was colder than Zhou Zisong's.

"Brother, if you hand over Sihui to those people, don't say I'm never finished with you."

Zhou Zixu slapped the horn with his palm, making a piercing beeping sound, shaking off the snow on the trees and scaring away the birds in the forest.


Zhou Zisong looked at his younger brother like an ice sword, with helplessness in his eyes.

How could he be so useless?It is a big mistake to not have principles for the sake of love.

In this way, the three of them had a very unpleasant fight on the first day of the new year. After getting out of the car, Lu Sihui slammed the door and left. Because she was angry with Zhou Zisong, she ignored Zixu and went straight to the propaganda team.

She felt that modern people are so complicated, they are suspicious of people at every turn, especially this Zhou Zisong, which is even more unreasonable.

"Brother, do it yourself."

After Zhou Zixu opened the door and watched Sihui enter the dormitory, he turned his head and looked at his elder brother coldly, his voice was colder than ice, and he looked at him as if he was looking at a stranger, without any emotion.

"Zixu, you are too emotional. As a man of iron and blood, you have also been a scout. There is always a string in your head. Sometimes the closer someone is to you, the more harm you will cause."

Zhou Zisong's brows were tightly frowned, and he should not teach his younger brother a lesson as a big brother, not as a leader. Otherwise, if Zhou Zixu interfered with his questioning like this, he would be locked up.

"That's better than being ruthless."

(End of this chapter)

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