Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 631 She is innocent

Chapter 631 She is innocent

Zhou Zixu raised his head and smiled contemptuously, and stepped back, looking at Zhou Zisong with increasingly cold eyes, and had no common language with his elder brother.

Turning around and stepping on the snow to leave, and staying with his elder brother again, he was afraid that he would become a ruthless person.

There was a monotonous sound of stepping on the snow in the snow, creaking, creaking and disturbing.

Zhou Zisong went to the office to find Zhou Yanhong, and handled the handover of work with her. Last night, the publicity team came to the security brigade to express condolences. As the leader, he came to thank.

"Auntie, arrange someone to pay attention to Lu Sihui."

After finishing the work, Zhou Zisong whispered to Zhou Yanhong.


Zhou Yanhong looked at him incomprehensibly. Lu Sihui was the best among the new comrades. Is there anything doubtful about her?
"In short, send someone to secretly monitor her to see who she usually associates with, and whether she has secretly left the propaganda team? Is there anything unusual?"

Zhou Zisong did not explain why Lu Sihui was being monitored, but the successive questions made Zhou Yanhong alert.

"You suspect she is a bad person?"

The work unit is very strict about this political review, and those who are suspected are not allowed to be recruited into the work unit.

"Just something suspicious."

Zhou Zisong didn't doubt it. After all, it would be unfair to Lu Sihui to say such a thing before the matter was proved.

Furthermore, if she is innocent, it is easy to cause unnecessary trouble to her.

"Okay! I'll pay attention to it. I'm still watching this matter myself. I don't want outsiders to know. If there's nothing wrong with her, people with ulterior motives will make use of it."

Zhou Yanhong sighed deeply, Sihui was Zixu's favorite, so she couldn't be suspected easily.

If this matter gets out, nothing will become something, Sihui don't want to stay in the unit.

"Then I'm going back, thank you for your hard work, auntie."

Zhou Zisong thinks this is the best way. My aunt was brought up by my grandfather, and she knows a lot about it. In terms of investigation, she can keep her face and don't startle the snake.

After leaving the propaganda team, he drove back to work and called Zhao Jinchen directly to the office.

"You go to the city to investigate something. Did anyone steal and sell wild boar meat on January [-]nd?"

Zhou Zisong had no extra words, and gave Zhao Jinchen the task with serious eyes.


Zhao Jinchen saluted and agreed, but he still had some doubts: "Do you need to ask if it's a man or a woman?"

He has to have a rough idea before he can investigate.

"No, you just need to ask if anyone sells wild boar meat, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

Zhou Zisong pondered for a while, but he didn't tell him who he was going to investigate?The main reason is to protect Lu Sihui. If she really has nothing to do, and I suspect her and send someone to investigate, she will definitely be mad.

"Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed."

Zhao Jinchen saluted and turned to leave, but his brows were tightly locked.

What he was thinking about was Lu Sihui, who had caught a wild boar in the inner mountain of Guashantun.

Maybe she did this. Could it be that the unit is investigating her?
It's true that she secretly hunts and sells money. This is speculation, and she will be kicked out of the unit.

do not know why?He's starting to worry about her now.

When I came back last night, as long as I closed my eyes, I saw her icy gaze, and my heart felt as if someone had stabbed me with a needle. It was very painful and uncomfortable.

In City S, because Lu Sihui and Specter took down the guerrilla station of the inspection team last time, now there are no men wearing red armbands on the street, and everything has changed from bright to dark. The red armbands are in their pockets, and they will be taken out when they are caught. .

Zhao Jinchen looked around in the streets and alleys in ordinary clothes, but he couldn't find anyone wearing a red armband. What he didn't know was that his abnormal behavior had aroused suspicion, and someone followed him quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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