Chapter 635 Still So Vain

Zhao Yuying nodded, she didn't really like Zhou Zheng, she just liked his status. Temporary workers were pissed off in the factory, and she really wanted to be a real city dweller.

"He's the one I just dated, named Zhou Zheng."

Zhao Jinchen frowned even tighter. Zhou Zheng looked at least five or six years older than his sister, with crooked teeth, a crooked face, and dark skin, worse than farmers who went to work in the fields. Most importantly, he felt that Zhou Zheng was right My sister doesn't like it.

"I'm sorry, my sister and I haven't seen each other for a long time. We have a lot to talk about. Let's meet again some other day!"

Zhao Jinchen politely declined Zhou Zheng's invitation, and he planned to ask his younger sister about Zhou Zheng's specific situation alone.

"Okay then! Yuying, come here."

Zhou Zheng smiled dryly, with a somewhat uncomfortable expression on his face, but facing the majestic Zhao Jinchen, he still said something in a good temper.

Calling Zhao Yuying aside, he took out two cards and gave them to her: "Yuying, find a good restaurant, I'll treat you to my elder brother."

He was spending his money. He had been dating Zhao Yuying for almost a month, and he went to a movie with her. The movie tickets were still issued by his unit.

Zhao Yuying was overwhelmed by 1. The 20 yuan was almost equal to her monthly salary.

"Remember, praise me more."

Zhou Zheng instructed Zhao Yuying in a low voice, and when she saw her nodding her head in agreement, she turned her head and smiled at Zhao Jinchen.

"Brother, go to my house for dinner another day, not far from here."

"Okay, Yuying, get in the car!"

Zhao Jinchen nodded politely, and opened the door to let his sister get in the car.

"Zhou Zheng, I'll go now."

Zhao Yuying waved at Zhou Zheng flatteringly, and with the backing of her elder brother, she felt that he took herself seriously.

"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow."

Zhou Zheng's attitude is very enthusiastic. Zhao Yuying was not pleasing to the eye before, but now he feels comfortable looking at it.

Zhao Jinchen drove to find a small restaurant. Guoying Hotel needed food stamps, but he didn't bring them.

"A plate of dried tofu with sharp peppers, and a plate of stewed vermicelli with braised pork, thank you."

After Zhao Jinchen read the menu, he ordered one meat and one vegetable. The siblings had enough to eat, and too much was wasted.

"Brother, Zhou Zheng gave me the money, this time he treats me, the boss will bring another braised fish."

Zhao Yuying felt that the money given by her partner was not in vain, and it was just to satisfy her greed.

"Yuying, how did you meet him? You can't ask for his money casually, otherwise you will be looked down upon."

Zhao Jinchen frowned and looked at his sister, why is she still so vain?
"He looks down on me like that? It's good if I can see him."

Zhao Yuying raised her chin, pretending to be arrogant, but she lacked confidence when speaking.

"I don't think you are suitable. This person has bad eyes and a bad heart. If you stay with him, you will regret it in the future."

Zhao Jinchen persuaded his younger sister earnestly, not to look at the fire pit and let her jump into it.

"Brother, are you concerned about me? What did you do earlier? I like Zhou Zixu, so why don't you introduce me? Otherwise, help me find a non-commissioned officer as a partner. It's not like you don't know how much I want to leave the countryside, and I won't help you with anything." I, just know me, are you my brother?"

Zhao Yuying heard that he taught her a lesson as soon as she came up, and she was originally arrogant, and that Zhou Zheng despised her for her crooked looks.

It's not for the purpose of becoming a regular, because she has a city hukou, so she doesn't like him!
It was also after retiring from the army that she hit a wall everywhere, and she realized that she was nothing, and the good guys in the city didn't like her at all.

"Yuying, you're just too vain. Zixu doesn't suit you well, and he doesn't like you either. Can I just introduce you?"

"This won't work, then help me once, as long as you promise me, I will marry Zhou Zhenghuang immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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