Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 636 What Do You Want To Say?

Chapter 636 What Do You Want To Say?
Zhao Yuying gritted her teeth, stared into her eldest brother's eyes, and asked him a question.

If there are good ones, who is to blame?

She also wanted to find a husband who was as tall and handsome as Zhou Zixu, preferably with status, but there were so many scratches on his face, and he had been introduced to several partners, but they all left in disgust as soon as they met.

The proud and arrogant she was hit hard, and in the end, a man like Zhou Zheng still looked down on her, and she had to catch up with others.

Now that her elder brother brought it up, she just took the opportunity to ask him for help.

"What do you want to say?"

Zhao Jinchen looked at his younger sister cautiously, always feeling that her eyes were full of calculations, and she lost the simplicity she had in the countryside.

"It's that Fang Fang, do you remember?"

Zhao Yuying gritted her teeth and looked at her elder brother. She hated that woman very much, but she had to say that she helped her find this job.

Of course she had a purpose, she fell in love with her elder brother.

"I remember, she used you as a maid, asked you to wash her underwear, and said that you stole the painting, right?"

Zhao Jinchen has a particularly good memory, especially for such an important event, he can't forget it.

The younger sister, whom the whole family loves, is treated as a little maid by Fang Fang, and her heart is too bad.

"Yes, it's her. Speaking of which, she is still my enemy, but she is also my benefactor."

Zhao Yuying smiled wryly, and realized that she and Fang Fang were using each other and tearing each other down.

Because of her elder brother, Fang Fang found her a job, and because she couldn't see her elder brother for a long time, she started to lose her temper.

An ultimatum was issued. If she could not be with Zhao Jinchen by the end of this month, she would kick Zhao Yuying out of the knitting factory.

The director of the factory is her relative, and if she wants to kick Zhao Yuying away, she can become a full-time employee within half a year. Although it is a large group, it is better than nothing.

She couldn't bear to live in the city, so she was anxious to be with Zhou Zheng and use his relationship to stay in the city.

If the eldest brother is willing to date Fang Fang, then she doesn't need to be with Zhou Zheng, Fang Fang will introduce her cousin to herself.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Zhao Jinchen saw his younger sister's eyes rolling back and forth, staring at him with calculations, as if he was treating him as a commodity for sale, this feeling set his heart on alarm.

"Brother, that Fang Fang likes you, so she arranged a job for me and helped me find a dormitory. But if there is no relationship with you, this job will be robbed by others, so she doesn't need to help me."

Zhao Yuying looked directly into the elder brother's eyes, the meaning in the words was very clear, Zhao Jinchen's brows furrowed even tighter.

"You want big brother to stay with her? In exchange for your chance to stay in the city?"

What Zhao Jinchen said was very straightforward, he didn't like to beat around the bush, and my sister's request was simply unreasonable.

"Yes, you are my elder brother. You won't help me find a job, nor will you help me find a partner. Now this is your last chance to help me as an elder brother. It depends on whether you treat me as a younger sister or not?"

Zhao Yuying picked it up and said that she meant to hold her elder brother hostage.

"Yuying, we are originally from the countryside. Why do we have to find a partner in the city? In the countryside, you can pick and choose a good guy. What does that Zhou Zheng look like? He is crooked, his back is not straight, he just If you still despise you like this, what do you think you are trying to do?"

Zhao Jinchen was very angry. He never felt that there was anything wrong with the countryside. After changing jobs, if he didn't arrange a job, it would be fine for him to go back to farming.

Seeing that her elder brother was still teaching her a lesson, Zhao Yuying just refused to help her, so she became angry.


The chopsticks fell on the table and stood up angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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