Chapter 639 Unreasonable

Zhao Jinchen flung his sleeves and left. The current appearance of his sister made him believe what Lu Sihui said. Zhao Yuying had become no longer his simple sister.

This thought flashed in the bottom of my heart, and a chill ran down my spine.

"Coward, you just like that vixen, pretending to be serious, and you are also a pervert."

Seeing her brother leaving her behind, Zhao Yuying chased him out angrily and yelled at his back.

It's too hateful, obviously he can help himself, as long as he pretends to date Fang Fang, he just doesn't want to help her with such a simple matter.

Zhao Jinchen walked quickly to the jeep, as if someone was chasing him behind him, with hurried steps and a distressed expression.

Lu Sihui was in the work unit, but she didn't know that she was being investigated by Zhou Zisong. She was still angry, and being suspected several times would make anyone angry.

The sympathy performances that followed were all scheduled, and it was impossible to go home again. This time, I traveled a long distance and went to the south for sympathy performances.

Zhou Zisong stayed in the leader's office, feeling irritable for no reason, unable to calm down at all.

The small office was measured back and forth by his footsteps, and he didn't know how many times he walked.

It was as if a boulder was pressed against my heart, and I looked at the grilles on the window glass, which was a thick layer. If I wanted to see the situation outside, I had to melt the ice with my hands.

He really did the same, pressing his broad palm on the glass, his hands were icy cold.

This coolness eased the restlessness in his heart, but his palms were numb from the cold.

"Dangdang, Dangdang."

There were several knocks on the door, two plus three, it was someone from their special team.

Turning around and striding over, I didn't realize that my pace was much more urgent than usual.


Standing outside the door was Zhao Jinchen, with a chill all over his body, saluting and shouting reports to him.

"Come in."

Zhou Zisong ordered in a deep voice, opened the door a little wider, and let the person in.


He pointed to the chair for Zhao Jinchen to sit down, and felt that Zhao Jinchen's expression was a little off, as if he was full of thoughts.

Zhou Zisong lowered his eyelids, did not urge him, and waited for Zhao Jinchen to report by himself.

"Leader, I found out that someone did go to the city to sell pork on January [-]nd, and even beat up those who caught speculators."

Zhao Jinchen reported the investigation to Zhou Zisong.

"Man or woman?"

Zhou Zisong frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice.

"It's said to be half a boy. No one saw what he looked like. He wore a dog fur hat and covered his face. He was so noisy that he beat the inspectors. Many people arrested him, but they didn't catch him."

Zhao Jinchen answered as Zhou Zheng said, feeling curious about this half-child, and he didn't know why?He instinctively suspected it was Lu Sihui, but he didn't tell Zhou Zisong.

"Okay, got it, you go back! By the way, I can give you a week off, go home and have a look!"

After Zhou Zisong heard this, his frowning brows loosened, and the worry in his eyes disappeared. He looked in a good mood and gave Zhao Jinchen a week's vacation.

"Thank you leader."

Zhao Jinchen stood up and saluted. He just wanted to go home and tell his father about his sister. According to his judgment, that Zhou Zheng was definitely not a good person.


Zhou Zisong waved his hand, Zhao Jinchen saluted and left.

He stood in front of the window, looking at the palm print on the glass that he had pressed, and took a long time to look away.

It seemed that I was wrong to blame Lu Sihui again. Thinking of her being so busy in the downtown area, those speculators couldn't catch her, and a smile appeared on her cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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