Chapter 640 Without Her?
Lu Sihui always felt that a pair of eyes were staring at her these days, so she began to observe carefully.

Ding Li was the first to suspect. Her hatred for her was for no reason at all. She was the one who provoked her in several incidents. When she was punished, she began to hate herself even more.

The reason why Ding Li was suspicious was because she had already been scheduled to be discharged from the army. The date was in March, and when the spring blossomed, she had to go home.

It's been less than a month, and Lu Sihui can always feel the venomous eyes from her.

So, she began to pay attention to her actions, not to mention, it really made her see something different.

Ding Li seemed to like chatting with Vice Captain Jiang very much, and went to her when she had nothing to do.

He probably wanted her to help and left himself in the propaganda team.

But there is another possibility, which is to make a small report on yourself.

Today, I'm going to go to the unit for a condolence performance again. The list of performances is down, but she is not there?
Lu Sihui was surprised, she was always on the list during the Chinese New Year, why is she not there after turning [-]?

"Squad leader, without you?"

Huang Yaomei read the list back and forth twice before she was sure she read it correctly.

"Yes, no."

Lu Sihui felt lonely in her heart. She was used to performing, but now she suddenly couldn't go, feeling very disappointed.

But her indifferent expression didn't change, outsiders couldn't see what was going on in her heart?

"It's not better, save the bumps in that truck. Last time I came back, the driver drove so fast that I almost broke my bones."

Li Mei came over to comfort Lu Sihui, she was on the list, she was secretly happy!
But on the surface, he had to show that he was unwilling to go, lest Lu Sihui would be unhappy.

"You guys go to rehearsal! I'm going to run."

Lu Sihui glanced at her indifferently, gave an order, and walked towards the training ground. She wanted to be alone.

I don't like to be comforted by others, and I don't like to show off to her.

This performance is going to the south. She has never been there. I heard that the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the seasons are like spring. There are many beautiful scenery that cannot be seen in the Northeast.

The sky is blue, the mountains are green, and the economy is more developed than in the north.

There are many things that cannot be bought in the north, but can be bought there.

She really wanted to go and have a look, and she was sure in her heart that she could go, but she was not on the list.

This made her wonder, what did she do wrong?When the performance didn't fail, she performed very well whether it was dancing or singing solo.

Puzzled, she had to run to calm down her brain.

Zhou Yanhong stood behind the big tree outside the practice field and looked at Lu Sihui quietly. From seeing that she was not on the list until now, she has been very indifferent.

As if nothing to do with her, this girl is either too deep in the city, or she doesn't like to show her emotions on her face.

Inhaling deeply, exhaling slowly, she actually likes Lu Sihui very much, and really doesn't want Zisong's suspicion to be true.

After observing for the past few days, she didn't feel that Lu Sihui had any abnormal behavior.

He is better than anyone else in training, has solid basic skills, is not frivolous, and doesn't like to gossip.

Such a girl really doesn't look like she came from the countryside, but she looks like she came from a big and educated family.

Lu Sihui felt the gaze watching her again, she ran quietly, her eyes quietly looked around, looking for the owner of the gaze.

Soon, she determined the direction, and she continued to run. When she was close to the woods, she suddenly accelerated her pace and rushed into the woods.

(End of this chapter)

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