Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 641 Being Monitored

Chapter 641 Being Monitored

"Captain Zhou?"

What Lu Sihui didn't expect was that the person watching her behind the tree turned out to be Zhou Yanhong, Zixu's aunt. She frowned and shouted with surprise in her voice.

"Sihui, why are you running alone on the training ground? Why don't you go to the training hall?"

Zhou Yanhong is a person who has seen big scenes. After seeing Lu Sihui, she remained calm on the surface.

The voice is very kind, like a respectable elder, and like an amiable leader caring about the team members below.

"I want to run for a while."

Lu Sihui replied lightly, now is free time, you can choose to rest or train in the rehearsal hall.

"You are not on the list, are you in a bad mood?"

Zhou Yanhong asked her with a smile, feeling that she seemed a little unhappy since she saw the list of performances.

"No, obey the organization's arrangement."

Lu Sihui saluted and replied, her voice was normal, and she didn't hear any grievances, which made Zhou Yanhong very satisfied.

"It's my decision. I'm afraid you'll be exhausted after successive performances."

What she was looking for was an excuse to care about her, but Lu Sihui just smiled and didn't answer.

"Okay, let's go for a run!"

Zhou Yanhong was a little embarrassed, Lu Sihui's clear eyes seemed to have seen through her thoughts, this was really a bad feeling.


Lu Sihui saluted and left. When she ran on the training ground, her brows were tightly furrowed.

The next day, all the lesbians who went to the performance got on the bus. Now Huang Yaomei learns to play the accordion from the teacher. This instrument needs to be carried by herself. She has great strength and does not feel strenuous.

The car drove away, and Lu Sihui quietly looked at the dust-covered body, drifting away until she disappeared.

"Hey, I, who is going to be driven home, can't go to the show, why are you also kept at home, is this retribution?"

Ding Li looked at Lu Sihui gloating and talking, feeling unhappy in her heart, and didn't want her to be happy.

"You will never be able to go, and I'm just resting temporarily. It's you, not me, who will get retribution."

Lu Sihui looked at her coldly, she was like this, and her bitter and mean character could not be changed. Even if she changed jobs, she would not be able to do well in other places.

"Cut, I don't need to change jobs anymore, don't think about me leaving."

Ding Li burst out laughing suddenly, she didn't get mad when she heard this sentence like before, and said proudly to Lu Sihui.

Lu Sihui squinted her eyes and looked at her. How could it be possible to reverse the organizational decision?

Could it be that Vice Captain Jiang helped her?But how did she help?

Although she was suspicious in her heart, she didn't say anything, turned around and left, not wanting to talk nonsense with her.

Most of the left-behind literature and art comrades made mistakes or suffered injuries. Lu Sihui was neither of these two types, and she was an embarrassing existence.

Fortunately, she didn't pay too much attention to these, she trained as usual every day, and she didn't miss any of the training moves she learned from the security department.

Once people get serious, time flies by like it doesn't exist.

Lu Sihui spent the whole morning doing skill training, took a nap in the dormitory after lunch, and went to the rehearsal hall to practice dancing in the afternoon, three o'clock and one line, very monotonous, but very regular.

Unlike the superficial calm, Lu Sihui's feeling of being watched did not decrease, but increased.

When I saw Zhou Yanhong a few times, although she only spoke words of encouragement, her eyes were full of vigilance.

Lu Sihui really wanted to ask her, what happened to her?Someone wrote a false accusation letter again?Or other reasons?Why are you always watching her?
(End of this chapter)

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