Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 642 Others Are Jealous Of You

Chapter 642 Others Are Jealous Of You

Today is the fourth day that the propaganda team went out to perform. Lu Sihui got up early to do exercises on the practice ground as usual. The new comrades all followed the performance team. Her dormitory was empty. One advantage was that she no longer had to listen to Huang Yaomei's snoring Voice.

But I was very lonely. In the past, the big guys came to train together, and I had a very fulfilling life.

Zhou Yanhong stood in front of the window and watched her quietly. She insisted on training every day by herself, and her movements were well-organized, just like a real iron-blooded man, which she appreciated very much.

It's not without reason that Zixu likes her, but why does Zisong doubt her?Do you have to let yourself monitor her?
I was bumped into by her three times, although I was alert enough, I got distracted.

But she could feel the suspicion in Lu Sihui's eyes, which was a little strange. She found that Lu Sihui was very sensitive and could always find her own existence.

It gave her the feeling that Sihui seemed to have many pairs of eyes, and when she looked forward, she couldn't hide what happened behind her.

If she is not a bad person, she is a good scout.

Can keenly find the enemy's hiding place, find him, and destroy him.

Just like the last time she and Zisong went on a mission, I heard that relying on her vigilance and sense of danger, she completed the mission perfectly and rescued Professor Li.

What Zhou Yanhong didn't understand was that Zhou Zisong had asked Lu Sihui to participate in such a confidential mission, so why started to doubt her now?


While she was meditating, someone knocked on the door, and when she looked at the training field, Lu Sihui was no longer there. She was startled, so fast?
Frowning to open the door, her intuition told her that it was Lu Sihui who came.


The door opened, and Lu Sihui was wearing a uniform, with respectful salutes on her hands, and her eyes were looking at Zhou Yanhong like searchlights.

"Come in."

Zhou Yanhong smiled wryly and asked her to enter the room, fearing that it was a showdown, she was already thinking about how to answer.

"what's up?"

On the surface, she still put on the airs that a leader should have, and looked at Lu Sihui seriously.

"Captain Zhou, I want to ask myself if I did something wrong?"

Lu Sihui went straight to the point, unwilling to live under surveillance every day.

"No, why do you ask that?"

Zhou Yanhong's complexion darkened, she turned around and sat down behind the desk, fixed her sharp eyes on Lu Sihui, and her voice became cold.

"Captain Zhou, are you spying on me? What is your purpose? May I ask?"

Seeing Zhou Yanhong fighting guerrillas with herself, Lu Sihui asked directly.

"You are the best performer among the new comrades, and you are also the one with the most problems, so I pay more attention to you. This time, I keep you in the propaganda team to keep you away from the edge, so that others will not be jealous of you."

After all, Zhou Yanhong is the old leader, and her words are tight, and she said that monitoring Lu Sihui was caring for her and doing her best.

Lu Sihui looked at her and smiled, she didn't believe it, because she saw the guilt flashing in Zhou Yanhong's eyes, although she was very fast, she still caught it.

"Only incompetent people are jealous of others, and I don't care."

She said something lightly, full of arrogance literally, and confidence in her eyes.

Zhou Yanhong shook her head and sighed, how does this look like Zixu?It is said that it is not that the family does not enter the house, and it is true.

"Let's pay attention! Nothing else, you go out to train!"

Zhou Yanhong began to issue orders to chase away guests, but Lu Sihui's eyes were too sharp, and she felt very uncomfortable.

"Is it because Director Zhou is suspicious of me? He asked you to monitor me?"

(End of this chapter)

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