Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 643 She Thinks It's a Good Thing

Chapter 643 She Thinks It's a Good Thing
Lu Sihui didn't leave. Instead, she directly called Zhou Yanhong to monitor her affairs. At worst, she would be discharged from the army. She didn't do it anymore!

With the money in hand, relying on his own ability to hunt, support his younger brother, and provide enough for him to study.

During the days of joining the propaganda team, there were many turmoil, and she also felt tired. It was better than a simple life.

Or simply train with No. [-] and the others in the Neishan Mountain of the Backing Mountain.

It's just that this thought flashed by, and she rejected it. Zhou Zisong and Zhao Jinchen doubted her several times, which made her tired.

"Cough cough."

Zhou Yanhong didn't expect her to ask so directly. She just took a sip of tea and sprayed it all on the ground, causing her to cough.

Lu Sihui stood in front of the desk expressionlessly, handed over the handkerchief without fawning, and stared at her coldly, waiting for her to give herself a clear answer.

"You think too much. You are Zixu's girlfriend. He entrusted me to take care of you. You were not among the people who went out to the performance this time. I'm afraid you have ideas, so I went to see you when I was fine. How did it get into your mouth?" , the words are ugly? What surveillance? What have you done, are you afraid that I won’t be able to see it?”

Zhou Yanhong took out her handkerchief, and while wiping the tea stains from her mouth, she looked at her reproachfully, with the benevolent eyes of an elder, without the strictness before.

"Oh, that's what I thought too much."

Lu Sihui lowered her eyelids, she could feel that Zhou Yanhong was not telling the truth, but when she heard the word Zixu, she did not continue to ask.

She is going to marry him in the future, and Zhou Yanhong in front of her is Zixu's biological aunt, so talking too much hurts her feelings.

"Of course you're overthinking, Sihui, I'm also doing it for your own good, the wood is beautiful in the forest, the wind will blow it, you are too good, and you are dating Zixu, there are many open and secret attacks against you, and my aunt also wants to protect you .”

This sentence is actually Zhou Yanhong's sincere words, as long as Lu Sihui is not a bad person, then she will be her nephew and daughter-in-law in the future. After observation, this girl is not bad.

It is not something ordinary people can do to obtain father's consent.

The old man's eyes are poisonous!If Sihui is really special, he won't fail to see it.

"I see."

Lu Sihui replied in a low voice, feeling very tired, and really wanted to ask for leave to go back.

He took Jianguo to find a house, left Zhou's house, married Zixu later, took his grandfather out, and felt awkward seeing Zhou Zisong.

"Sihui! I heard that your brother has been staying at my father's house?"

Lu Sihui was soothed here, Zhou Yanhong started chatting with her, and poured a cup of tea for Lu Sihui.

"Yes, I've been thinking about moving out during this time, but I haven't bought a suitable house."

Lu Sihui took the teacup, turned it in her hand, looked at Huang Yingying's tea, recalled the scene of drinking tea and playing chess with her grandfather at Zhou's house, with a smile on her lips, her voice became softer than the coldness just now .

"House? I can take a look at it for you."

Zhou Yanhong heard that Lu Sihui wanted to move out, she thought it was a good thing.

Zhou Zisong came back with his son before he got married, which has already made the Zhou family famous in the compound. Zixu is also rebellious, likes to joke with the little girls, and there are many people talking about him.

"Thank you."

Lu Sihui cherished words like gold, and her mood stabilized. She was still full of anger when she came in, but now she calmed down. I have to say that Zhou Yanhong is good at ideological work.

The two talked for a while, Lu Sihui drank a cup of tea, and was about to leave when the phone on the table rang with a sharp voice, breaking the warm atmosphere in the room.

"Hey, Zhou Yanhong from the publicity team. Is that you?"

(End of this chapter)

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