Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 650 Pretend to be crazy

Chapter 650 Pretend to be crazy
Ding Li was depressed, as if she didn't hear Captain Zhou's question, she stared at her couch.

"Ding Li."

Captain Zhou felt that something was wrong, so he yelled at her again, and waved his hand in front of her eyes, trying to get her to pay attention to him.

"Captain, last night, she said that there were mice and insects. We didn't see anything. She just took off her clothes and put all her hair in front of her face. She shone a flashlight on herself and put us Scared to death."

Thinking of the scene last night, Qiu Lihong was still afraid for a while. The scene was really similar to the ghost stories her grandma told her when she was a child. Now thinking about it, her scalp still feels numb!
"I think Ding Li seems to have mental problems."

Lu Sihui interrupted with a calm expression, and the other female comrades in the same dormitory nodded accordingly.

"We think so too, she tossed all night."

"What kind of mental problem, I think it's pretending to be crazy, intentional."

Captain Zhou was very angry. She felt that because of yesterday's incident, Ding Li was unwilling to resign five years like this, so she made trouble and asked the unit to keep her.

This is simply too hateful, if everyone learns from her, what will the propaganda team do in the future?
"Come here, take her to the hospital for examination."

Zhou Yanhong took a deep breath. It's too early to say anything. It's better to send her to the hospital for a check-up first. It doesn't rule out the possibility that she can't bear the blow and has mental problems.

All the lesbians in the dormitory mobilized together, and then Ding Li was pulled up from the chair, and she still held on to the door frame and refused to leave!

"Let go of me, what are you doing?"

Lu Sihui looked at Ding Li coldly, those medicines only caused her hallucinations for a while, and with the arrival of morning, her consciousness has gradually awakened.

As long as she goes to the toilet again, she will be completely back to normal, and this is also in her calculation.

"Take you to check."

Zhou Yanhong said something with a dark face, and the person strode forward.

"I'm going to the toilet."

Ding Li sat all night, and the people in the same dormitory gave her a lot of water, just to stabilize her mood.

Now when people stand up, they have the urge to go to the toilet.

"Follow in, don't let her fall into the toilet."

Zhou Yanhong's face was livid with anger. In her mind, this was intentional, so she couldn't do anything about it?

With her hands behind her back, she squeezed out a sentence between her teeth, she was also responsible for the accident in the unit.

"I'll go in and take care of her."

Lu Sihui came to help, and the other lesbians also kindly came to help when they saw those who were retreating.

After going to the bathroom, Ding Li's mind returned to normal. Seeing everyone surrounding her and watching her lift her pants, she couldn't hold back anymore.

"What are you doing? Do you also watch when I go to the bathroom?"

She scolded everyone angrily, and Lu Sihui showed an imperceptible smile, turned and walked out, since she returned to normal, then don't worry about it, and watch her perform later.

"Ding Li, how are you?"

Qiu Lihong waved her small hand in front of her eyes, and asked carefully.

Last night, I didn't know what shame was, and they didn't let them wear clothes when they were naked.

Now that women are watching, she becomes angry from embarrassment.

"are you crazy?"

Ding Li glared at her, tied up her trouser belt, pushed away a few dumbfounded lesbians, and walked out by herself.

Seeing Zhou Yanhong staring at her coldly, Ding Li panicked, why is she looking at her like that?
Looking back, she was sure that Zhou Yanhong was looking at her, her heart was beating wildly in fright, and she asked Zhou Yanhong timidly.

"Captain, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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