Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 651 7 People Can Testify

Chapter 651 Seven People Can Testify

"What are you pretending to be?"

Zhou Yanhong couldn't bear it anymore. Has this person ever studied acting?It's really good to pretend to be crazy and act stupid.

It's like I didn't know anyone before!Can you recognize yourself when you go to the bathroom?
It was obvious that she was afraid of going to the hospital and leaking the fact that she was pretending to be crazy, so she used the toilet to put on a show.

"What's wrong with me? Captain Zhou, isn't it because I sued that Lu Sihui ran out privately and wanted to help her get rid of me? After all, we are a family, and they are so selfish before we even get through the door. I don't believe it if I go to the superior unit to sue you No one cares about this?"

Ding Li was also angry. She felt that Zhou Yanhong was targeting her on purpose, so she quarreled with Zhou Yanhong in front of everyone.

Anyway, it's going to be a five-year refund, so what else?
He was willing to cut himself to pieces, and dared to pull the emperor off his horse.

She wanted to sue Zhou Yanhong with the intention of going all out, so that she couldn't afford to go around.

"Hey, go! Hurry up and sue me, here are seven people who can testify for you."

Zhou Yanhong was amused, she stretched out her hand, pointed at the seven lesbians including Lu Sihui, smiled coldly, and looked at Ding Li sarcastically.

This performance is too good, and I have lost my talent in the publicity team.

Lu Sihui smiled provocatively at Ding Li again, arousing Ding Li's anger completely, and did not ask those lesbians what happened to her?
He ran out of the courtyard directly, very fast, as if he was afraid that Zhou Yanhong would catch her back.

"team leader?"

Qiu Lihong looked at Zhou Yanhong anxiously, what should I do if I am really sued?
"You just need to reflect the actual situation. No one should add fuel to what happened last night, just tell the truth."

Seeing the concern in their eyes, Zhou Yanhong gave them a comforting smile. She had seen a lot of turmoil, and she didn't take Ding Li's pediatrics seriously.

Because of Ding Li's fuss last night, Zhou Yanhong gave the girls a whole morning off as an exception to let them sleep well.

These girls fell asleep with their heads on the pillows, only Lu Sihui was lost in thought looking at the ice flowers on the window.

"Mom, you scared me to death."

Qiu Lihong suddenly sat up and screamed, Lu Sihui reached out and patted her shoulder.

"what happened to you?"

"I dreamed that Ding Li had turned into a female ghost and wanted to eat me with her bloody mouth open."

Qiu Lihong pulled her hair, the image of last night seemed to be imprinted in her head, she was so scared that she was chased and bitten by Ding Li in her dreams.

"what happened?"

Several other girls also sat up and looked at her, all of them were sleepy and listless.

"She's having a nightmare, go to sleep!"

Lu Sihui comforted them in a deep voice, and treated Ding Li, but frightened these girls, she felt a little guilty.

After thinking about it, I got up and went to bed, put on my shoes, put on my clothes, and walked out with a water bottle.

"Lu Sihui, what are you doing?"

Qiu Lihong called her anxiously, it was so cold outside, she went out with her clothes on, what should I do if I caught a cold?
"I'm going to fetch some water and boil it for you to drink."

Lu Sihui looked back at her, and found that her eyes were full of concern, she smiled, opened the door and went out.

"Everyone says that Lu Sihui is a bad person and cold, but I think she's pretty good."

"That's right, I don't have any airs, I just don't like to talk."

"Oh, you can't listen to others, you have to get along with yourself."

Lu Sihui didn't know that this small act of hers made these girls change their views on her.

After fetching a pot of water, she took advantage of no one taking out the sedative medicine in the space capsule, put it in the pot, and then walked to the dormitory with the pot.

"Sihui, wait a minute."

(End of this chapter)

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