Chapter 652
Lu Sihui had just walked a few steps when she was stopped by someone. She looked back at Zhou Yanhong indifferently, put the kettle on the ground, and saluted her.

"Captain Zhou."

"You don't need to salute when it's just the two of us, Sihui, didn't you scare me last night?"

Zhou Yanhong asked her with concern, looking at her with the kind eyes of elders looking at juniors.

"No, I'm brave."

Lu Sihui replied lightly, she didn't know how to face Zhou Yanhong.

If she didn't hear that call and didn't know about her spying on her, she really regarded her as her own aunt just like Zixu.

But now, she can only regard her as a leader, without family affection.

His heart was icy cold, and his eyes didn't feel warm when he looked at her.

"Sihui, are you still complaining that I didn't let you go to the performance?"

Zhou Yanhong felt her indifference, she frowned, her eyes showed a trace of uneasiness, she was very afraid that Sihui would know that she was spying on her.

As an elder, it's not good to do that.

"No, I'm an iron-blooded team member, and it's my duty to obey orders. I'm not the only one who didn't go."

Lu Sihui replied indifferently, her voice was even more distant than before.

"Well, you will know my good intentions in the future. I told you yesterday, but it seems that you didn't listen to it."

Zhou Yanhong sighed, feeling very tired.

Why is Lu Sihui's personality so similar to Zhou Zisong's?You hide everything in your heart, and you have no enthusiasm for anyone?

That is to say, if Zixu could bear her, if he were any other man, he would be frozen by her and run away.

"Nothing else, I'm going back first, Qiu Lihong was frightened, I want to boil some hot water for her to drink."

Lu Sihui saluted, picked up the water bottle and said something, then turned and left.

Zhou Yanhong, who looked at her helplessly, was left behind.

The people in the dormitory drank the water that Lu Sihui had boiled, chatted a few words, and then lay down and slept comfortably.

They all had the feeling that they slept soundly this time.

I didn't even have a dream, and when I woke up, I felt comfortable, stretched and sat up, looked at my watch, and cried out in panic.

"It's broken. The leader only let us rest for a morning. It's already three o'clock in the afternoon. Will we be punished?"

"Put on your clothes quickly, and ask the captain for punishment."

For a while, everyone in the dormitory was on their backs, and they were all getting dressed in a hurry. Lu Sihui woke up early and finished tidying up the bedding.

Seeing the girls in a mess, she waited for them quietly.

She felt that there was no need for everyone to panic. The situation last night was special. When she met Zhou Yanhong before, she said that everyone was terrified.

I believe Captain Zhou will not pursue too much.

When the girls were fully dressed and ran to the captain's office, they saw two jeeps driving into the yard.

Everyone stared at the jeep until it stopped at the door of the leader's office.

The car door opened, and several leaders with serious faces came down.

My heart began to feel uneasy, what are these leaders doing here?Inspection work?
Now the publicity team has basically gone out to perform, so they can only come to talk to Captain Zhou at this time.

And these people are too serious, their eyes are sharp, looking at them, they are so scared that they dare not breathe.


A lesbian with sharp eyes saw the rear door of the jeep open, and a lesbian with a gloomy face stepped out of it.

She hurriedly told everyone to look at her, all the lesbians were very nervous, only Lu Sihui was calm, she really got to this point, it was done by herself, and she had no one to blame.

(End of this chapter)

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