Chapter 653

When Ding Li got off the car, she felt Lu Sihui's sarcasm. She looked at her resentfully, and let her be arrogant for a while, and then she would know how powerful she was.

"The leader is here."

When Zhou Yanhong saw the car entering the hospital, she was already mentally prepared and greeted it with a smile.

These are all the leaders of the higher-level units. She knows the person walking in front. He is the lover of Vice Captain Jiang, Wu Gang.

He is the director of the business department, a leader at the deputy ministerial level, and he can be regarded as a very powerful person.

At least Zhou Yanhong was in his charge, and when he saw him, he had to salute and greet the leader.

The lesbians didn't dare to vent their anger, and they were all sweating for Zhou Yanhong.

And she doesn't care at all, she has seen this scene before, although the director of the deputy ministerial level business department is not young, but her brother is still the minister!
So in terms of attitude, she is neither humble nor overbearing, which is the normal attitude of subordinates and superiors when reporting.

"Captain Zhou, Comrade Xiaoding went to the higher-level unit to report the situation. Minister Zhou said, it's business."

Wu Gang looked at Zhou Yanhong seriously, and moved Zhou Baichuan out first.

"That's right, it's business as usual."

Zhou Yanhong smiled, and she looked at Ding Li with sharp eyes, thinking that it would not be easy at first, so she just retired five and went home to find a job.

She could bear it if she could get by.

Even if what she did last night was too outrageous, what she wanted was to go through the formalities and let her leave tomorrow.

She didn't expect to give her room again and again, she really didn't go on a good path.

Lu Sihui watched Zhou Yanhong lead someone into the office, and listened to the chattering discussions of the other lesbians, she was not in a hurry.

"Let's go to eat! The time to sleep at noon is too long."

She beckoned everyone to go to the cafeteria together, but no one moved.

"It's not time to eat!"

"There will be leftovers in a while, aren't you hungry?"

Lu Sihui smiled and asked softly.

"I'm not hungry, so stay here! What if you ask us for questioning?"

Qiu Lihong was very worried. In fact, from last night to now, no one drank a glass of water without eating.

I didn't sleep all night, there was fire, and I couldn't eat anything.

"Well, we can't stand here and wait, the leader will think we are not organized and disciplined, go to the rehearsal hall!"

Lu Sihui told the lesbians to leave, it's useless to stay here, those who should come can't escape, and she doesn't care about anything.

Zhou Zixu's eyelids kept twitching today, and he always felt like something was about to happen.

I was distracted during training and missed the target for the first time.

"Captain, this isn't your level, is it? One shot is not ten rings."

Captain Sun ran over and looked at the leader with concern.

"No more training, I'm going to run with weights."

He insists on this physical training every day, and he still has more than two months to prepare.

The opponent is too strong, he must show [-] points of effort and spirit.

Putting on the leggings, he saw his eldest brother come out of the office, thought for a while, dropped the leggings and ran over.


When he was in the unit, he was still very particular about his appearance and attire. When it was time to salute, he would not let people find fault.

"what's up?"

Seeing that it was his younger brother, Zhou Zisong habitually frowned, and his voice naturally became more serious.

"About Sihui, did you expose the matter of her selling pork?"

Zhou Zixu lowered his voice and asked his eldest brother, they were too tight together, Zhou Zisong frowned and took a step back, widening the distance between them.


He said coldly that what he wanted to investigate was whether Lu Sihui was a bad person, not to help those who caught profiteers catch her.

Although he disapproved of Lu Sihui doing such a thing, he would not bother to report it like a villain.

"Strange, why does my right eyelid jump up and down?"

(End of this chapter)

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