Chapter 654 Overwhelmed

Zhou Zixu knew the character of the eldest brother, if he said no, then he must have no.

It's just that the uneasiness in my heart didn't disappear because of his words, on the contrary, it made me more irritable.

"Director Zhou, I would like to ask for leave for a while."

He glanced at his watch. After three o'clock in the afternoon, his unit was not far from the propaganda team, and it was quick to drive back and forth.


Zhou Zisong coldly refused. A leader should lead by example and not leave at will.

"I have something urgent, don't let me go, what are you doing?"

Zhou Zixu's unruly temper came up again, his brows were furrowed, and his voice was filled with impatience.

"I don't need to tell you."

A icy coldness flashed in Zhou Zisong's deep and cold eyes. My younger brother has gone too far recently, confronting him every now and then, and now he wants to interfere with his actions.

I really can't get used to it, I'm pushing my limits.

"Ha, well, you won't be able to control me after training at night."

Zhou Zixu took two steps back, raised one corner of his mouth, smiled evilly, and looked at his elder brother with an unfriendly look.

"go back."

Zhou Zisong ordered coldly, and his whole body began to exude a coldness of refusal to be thousands of miles away, and his gaze on Zhou Zixu became even sharper.

It seemed that as long as Zhou Zixu dared to speak again, he would definitely impose a severe punishment.


Zhou Zixu saluted him lazily, and returned to the training ground with his long legs.

It's just that I don't even have any interest in cross-country running with weights at the moment.

I kept looking at my watch, but the hands didn't seem to turn today?

After finally waiting for the unit training to end, he can go home.

He couldn't go to the publicity team at night, so he drove directly to his aunt's house. As long as Sihui had something to do, he would be sure to ask his aunt.

It's been a long time since I came to my aunt's house. He can't go to see his aunt empty-handed, so there's still his uncle!
So I went to the supply and marketing agency to buy two bottles of liquor and a pack of cigarettes, wrapped in newspaper and put them on the back seat of the car.

My aunt's house is not too far away, and it takes only half an hour to drive there. This is still the case when the road is slippery in snowy weather.

"Is Auntie at home?"

He got out of the car with the gift, knocked on the door of his aunt's house, and shouted inside.

"Why do you want to smash my door down?"

With a kind smile on his uncle's face, he made fun of Zhou Zixu.

"No, don't I miss my eldest uncle? I wish I could see you right away, and knocking on the door is a little urgent."

Zhou Zixu smiled and chatted with his eldest uncle, and looked around for his aunt when he entered the house.

"Your kid is sweet-talking. You came to see your aunt at all, and you still talk about me."

Zhou Zixu's uncle pointed at him and scolded him with a smile. He liked Zhou Zixu very much. He was sweet-talked and would come to visit him. Every time he came to see him, he would bring gifts.

"Where's my aunt?"

Zhou Zixu took off his hat with a smile and didn't make any excuses. They were all family members, and no one would really find fault with him.

I was anxious to ask my aunt about her situation, so I stopped talking glibly.

"She's under scrutiny and can't be back tonight."

Zhou Zixu's uncle also had a sad face when he talked about this matter, even though his wife told him not to worry.

That being said, he still misses her.

"Because of what?"

Zhou Zixu stood up abruptly, and said something was wrong today, didn't expect something to happen to Auntie?

"The details are still under investigation, she can't say."

Zhou Zixu's uncle lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

"I see, uncle, I'll go back first and ask my dad."

Zhou Zixu stood up and said goodbye to his uncle, it was useless to ask any further.

"Alright, I'll call you when I have news. Don't tell your grandpa. He's not in good health. Your aunt told you repeatedly."

"I know, go back and find out the situation, and I will call you if I have news from here."

(End of this chapter)

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