Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 655 Not a wise move

Chapter 655 Not a wise move
Zhou Zixu put his hat on his head, picked up the key on the coffee table and walked out, comforting his uncle.

What he didn't see was the wry smile on the corner of his uncle's mouth.

As soon as Yanhong called back, he called Zhou Baichuan, asking his uncle to help him inquire about the situation.

In the end, he hit a wall, and the uncle was upright, and told him seriously that if Yanhong really made a mistake, he would deal with it according to the factory regulations.

Before finishing speaking, the other side unceremoniously put down the phone.

With Zhou Zixu's temper, he didn't dare to tell him the truth, because he was afraid that he would go back and make trouble with his father.

Zhou Zixu left his aunt's house and was driving home. He opened the window in winter.

The biting cold wind cleared his mind, and he was able to think about the cause of the matter.

He knows his aunt's character, she is conscientious in her work, and is as serious as her father.

Therefore, what she committed must not be a political mistake, so the most likely thing is that she was sued.

What is the reason to sue her?

Thinking of his anxiety, he planned to meet Lu Sihui.

She stayed in the propaganda team, maybe she knew a little bit about the situation.

As for Dad, he basically didn't have any hope. If you ask him, it's better to investigate it yourself!

The car turned at the three-way intersection and went directly to the propaganda team.

When the car arrived at the door, he didn't rush to find Lu Sihui, but parked the car on the side of the road, lit a cigarette, and calmed himself down.

He is considering the consequences. At this sensitive moment, it is not wise to come to Lu Sihui at night.

If Auntie was sued by someone with ulterior motives, he would come to Lu Sihui casually, just to give the other party the truth.

After smoking a cigarette, he flicked the cigarette butt away, looked in the direction of the lesbian dormitory and thought for a moment.

Unscrewing the key to start the car, stepping on the accelerator, listening to the roar of the engine, Zhou Zixu turned the car around and drove towards home.

If you ask your father, you will be scolded at most, and you may not get the exact news, but there will not be any bad consequences.

The car was driving on the snow, even if he was in a hurry, he couldn't speed up.

When he got home, it was almost eight o'clock, and he went to bed early in winter, but the lights in his house were still on.

With a thought, at this time, grandpa hasn't rested yet, so he should be back from home.

Without knocking on the door, I opened the door with the key, and when I entered the room, I saw my father's leather shoes, and it turned out that he was back.

"Zixu, your father and grandfather are in the study!"

Aunt Su came over to help him get the slippers, and by the way lowered her voice to report the enemy's situation to him.

"Thank you Aunt Su."

Zhou Zixu smiled, put on his slippers and walked towards the study.

"Zixu, your grandfather ordered tea to be made, and I just made it, so you can carry it in!"

Aunt Su picked up the tea tray and handed it to Zhou Zixu. The so-called teacher is famous, so you can't go like this, otherwise Minister Zhou's temper will think that his son is eavesdropping.

"Aunt Su."

Zhou Zixu gave her a thumbs up with a smile, and his gratitude was beyond words.

Carrying the tea tray to the study room, I heard my father's deep and majestic voice at the door. As always, there was no temperature, just like a cup of boiled water that never boiled.

"Father, anyway, I don't agree. Zixu has already messed up enough. If he finds such a wife again, he will be even more lawless in the future."

Zhou Zixu frowned when he heard this sentence, so he was talking about himself and Sihui?
"I don't think so. Zixu is much better than before. As a father, you can't only have your eldest son in your eyes. No matter how mischievous Zixu is, he will bring your grandson back without getting married, right? To put it bluntly, you I still hate him, thinking that he killed him. Mom, after so many years, enough punishment, can't you give him a little fatherly love?"

(End of this chapter)

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