Chapter 656

Mr. Zhou was aggrieved for his grandson, and he even felt that Zhou Baichuan was looking at Lu Sihui through colored glasses. What happened to the murderer's daughter?Didn't she kill someone?

You can't deny that child's excellence just because of her father, right?
"Father, you don't know, that Lu Sihui is simply a troublesome person, and this time Yanhong was implicated by her."

There was a little anxiety in Zhou Baichuan's voice, it can be seen that he was also worried about his sister, but he didn't say it out of his mouth.

"What happened to Yan Hong?"

When Mr. Zhou heard that there was something in his words, he became anxious immediately.

"Someone went to the higher-ups to sue her. It was because of Lu Sihui that she was protecting her niece and daughter-in-law. It was also because of Zixu's relationship that she recruited Lu Sihui into the propaganda team, saying that she was using power for personal gain."

Zhou Baichuan pinched his brows irritably, regretting that he had revealed this matter. He knew the old man's temper, and if he kept it secret, he would be furious.

I had to briefly tell what happened, and now he was annoyed at the mention of Lu Sihui's name.

"Who is so boring? Why use power for personal gain? Sihui was admitted to the propaganda team by virtue of her own ability. If you gather talents and don't avoid relatives, what is this?"

Mr. Zhou slapped the table angrily, walked back and forth in the room with his hips on his hips, blowing his beard and staring.

It can be seen that the anger is not light.

"Until the publicity team becomes a full-time member, you can't fall in love. The people in Zixu and Lu Sihui's love promotion team know about it, and they have reported this matter. You should know better than me. Also, Lu Sihui got a promotion quota in less than a year. The old comrades in the publicity team have a lot of opinions on this matter, privately saying that it is because of the relationship between Yanhong and me."

Zhou Baichuan looked at his old father helplessly, he shouldn't have been special in the first place, and Lu Sihui should have been dismissed.

As a result, my father testified in the past, saying that the two of them were engaged relatives before.

This brought troubles to Yanhong. She was the literary and art comrade who recruited for the exam. Since Lu Sihui was engaged to Zhou Zixu before joining the team, wouldn't Zhou Yanhong be suspected of using power for personal gain?

"What is this? Sihui didn't think twice, and Yanhong wouldn't invite her in. No, I have to go and see, who is falsely accusing my daughter?"

The old man became even angrier when he heard that, Yanhong was not the only one who went to apply for the exam, but all three of them went together. Back then, Zixu hadn't dated Sihui, so he was talking nonsense, and he didn't expect to bring trouble to his daughter.

Of course he has to deal with the trouble he caused.

"Okay, Dad, don't make trouble, this matter is under investigation, but what is certain is that Lu Sihui can no longer stay in the propaganda team."

Zhou Baichuan sighed, this girl is troublesome, and he is also for the sake of Zixu, so he can't let them be together.


The door was pushed open, Zhou Zixu held the tea tray with a cold face, looking at his father with a bit of sharp eyes.

His lungs were about to explode with anger, and Sihui had to be dismissed just because of himself?

"It's about you. I didn't agree with you dating her before. You were still unscrupulous. Now you are the one who caused trouble to your aunt. You didn't go back to review, but you came in to play tricks on me?"

Zhou Baichuan was helpless when facing his father, but it was different when facing his son, he sternly taught him a lesson, his eyes were very cold.

"She got it in exchange for her own life. She successfully protected Professor Li. She is a special criminal. This has also been brought out? Is my aunt alone able to decide her job? Those who want to harm others, you If you don’t look for it, you will sacrifice Sihui instead?”

Zhou Zixu looked at his father sarcastically, what kind of rationale is this for a villain to sue and a good man to suffer?

(End of this chapter)

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