Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 660 Why rush for 1 hour?

Chapter 660 Why be in a hurry
Zhou Baichuan was very angry when his son challenged his authority in this way, and narrowed his eyes dangerously. He would let his son know that things cannot be controlled by his character.

After this turmoil passed, Lu Sihui was already tired of her life in the propaganda team, and she liked how the sky was high and the birds could fly freely.

Ding Li was sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment, and Wu Gang left with the investigation team.

Apart from talking about work, Zhou Yanhong and Vice Captain Jiang had little communication.

Soon in April, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and everything is recovering. The ice and snow that have accumulated all winter were blown by the spring wind and could not hold on, showing signs of melting.

Qiu Lihong ushered in the five-year retirement. Before leaving, she held Lu Sihui's hand and cried non-stop.

"Sihui, although I haven't been with you for a long time, I really like being with you. Although you don't like to talk, you are sincerely good to people and have no intention of being a bad person."

"I will miss you, can you write to me when you are free?"

"My hometown is in City H. If you go to the condolence performance, can you take the time to see me?"

She talked a lot, but Lu Sihui just nodded silently. For the first time, she felt that parting was an uncomfortable thing.

The old comrades who retired from the fifth grade were sent away, and the training of the girls continued, but Lu Sihui wanted to leave.

She doesn't like such boring rehearsals every day, practicing vocalization and dancing.

She likes the training at the Neishan Mountain in Guashan, and likes the thrilling mission of going to X City.

Time flies, Zhou Zixu hasn't seen Lu Sihui for two months, the national competition is coming soon, he wants to visit her, and has another good news to tell her.

Standing outside the door of the propaganda team, he lit a cigarette. In two months, he trained himself into an impregnable wall, with muscles all over his body that were too hard to pinch.

Just yesterday, he asked his elder brother to be a sparring partner, and he surpassed his elder brother in several tough competitions.

Especially in archery, he shoots without fail, and the arrow hits the bull's-eye.

"You will definitely win the national championship, I believe in you."

This is the first time the eldest brother expressed his appreciation to him.

There was a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth, wondering if Sihui could recognize herself when her skin turned dark?

She rubbed her jaw and thought narcissistically, would she think he was very manly?


Lu Sihui was granted a holiday by Zhou Yanhong, she thought it was strange at the time!

After leaving the gate of the propaganda team, she didn't know why?
Seeing Zhou Zixu with wheat-colored skin and sharp eyes, she smiled.

This man is changing, becoming what she likes.


Zhou Zixu flicked the cigarette butt away, and opened his arms to Lu Sihui.

"Let's go!"

Lu Sihui patted his hand, at the gate of the propaganda team, she couldn't throw herself into the long-missed arms.

"Hey, are you really that cruel?"

Zhou Zixu stretched out his arms, and made a pitiful look towards Lu Sihui, with the corners of his mouth pursed down, and grievance in his eyes.


Lu Sihui smiled and found that she liked to see him like this, like a sad child who wanted candy but couldn't get it.

Open the door and get in the car, why rush?

Zhou Zixu shook his head with a smile, put his long arms behind his back, looked at Lu Sihui's pretty figure, and walked all the way to the cab.

The appearance is very cool, the tall body is like a mountain moving in front of Lu Sihui's eyes, especially the pair of star eyes, with so much affection, it makes Lu Sihui's heart beat wildly.


Lu Sihui said something on her lips, and said three more words to Zhou Zixu with her lips in a coded language, and Zhou Zixu's cool face suddenly showed a wicked smile.

(End of this chapter)

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