Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 661 Fulfilling the Promise to You

Chapter 661 Fulfilling the Promise to You

What she said was I miss you, can Zhou Zixu keep calm?He stopped playing cool, quickly got into the car and started the engine, kicked the accelerator, and the jeep sped away like an arrow off the string.

Lu Sihui opened the car window, letting the spring breeze blow into the cab, her hair fluttering in the wind, exactly like her current mood.

It feels like a bird flying out of the cage, the sea and the sky are open, and you can fly with the person you like.

The car was parked on a side road where no one passed by, and Zhou Zixu held his beloved woman in his arms.

His booing made it hard for both of them to breathe, and Lu Sihui wrapped her hands around him like a vine, drawing herself closer to him, so that he could feel how much she missed him.

"Sihui, I'm leaving to compete and fulfill my promise to you."

After a long time, Zhou Zixu pushed her away, his voice was low and hoarse, his eyes were full of longing for her, he was reluctant to leave her, even for a second.

But in order to be worthy of her, he has to work hard to become the strong person she likes.

"I'll wait for you. Besides, I want to leave the propaganda team. Help me find a good place to go."

Lu Sihui didn't leave Zhou Zixu's neck with her hands, she liked to see herself reflected in his eyes, she liked to see his deep love for her.

Zhou Zixu's voice became hoarse, and hers were not much better. She really wanted to ignore everything and become his woman.

Think this way in your heart, and do the same with your hands.

She couldn't wait to unbutton Zixu's uniform, hot magma was flowing in her eyes.

"Bu Sihui, I love you, so I want to save the best of everything on our wedding night."

Zhou Zixu forcibly restrained his desire for her. 1, his voice was hoarse, and he was a little embarrassed.

"Why? I don't need any ceremony."

Lu Sihui's eyes were filled with eager longing. She missed him so much that she didn't want to be separated again.

She doesn't care about those common etiquettes, those criticisms, if she likes him, she will give herself to her, this is what she thinks at this time.

"Sihui, stop, it's not too late. I will go to the competition in May, and my grandfather will marry us when I come back. There are not many days left. I want to leave good memories on that most special day."

Zhou Zixu could hardly control himself, and said these words with strong willpower.

His body seemed to be filled with gunpowder and could explode at any time. He desperately needed cold water to cool down. What he said made him want to slap his own mouth.

If you love her, you will marry her sooner or later, so why bother with the ceremony?
"I'll take you to a place, you will be happy to see it."

Zhou Zixu forcibly suppressed his desire for Lu Sihui, started the engine, and said to her with a smile.

"Where to go?"

Lu Sihui looked at his lips with blurred eyes. His lips were thin but well-defined, and it felt good when he kissed.

And her mouth 1. Can bite together perfectly, the masculine smell on his body makes her intoxicated, like drinking old fine wine, dizzy and just want to keep tasting it.

"Go to a place where you can fall in love just by looking at it."

Zhou Zixu's favorite 1. Looking at her indulgently, he tapped the tip of her nose lightly, a smile spread on his lips, the impulse in his heart has been restrained, he likes to see her look at him with love Blurred eyes.

The jeep was speeding on the road again, and Lu Sihui sat in the passenger seat, quietly looking at Zhou Zixu's side face, no matter where he took her, as long as he was there.

Soon, the car left the deserted wilderness and drove into the bustling urban area. The corners of Lu Sihui's mouth slowly raised, she knew where Zixu took her.

(End of this chapter)

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