Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 662 Buying a House

Chapter 662 Buying a House

Zhou Zixu drove the car to a house, stepped on the brakes to stop the car, looked at Lu Sihui and smiled.

"Remember here?"

Lu Sihui looked at the house in front of her. Of course she remembered that this was the house she had dreamed of before. There were pear trees in the big yard, and the spring breeze blew out the green leaves, looking at the gloomy spring.

"Remember, when the husband of the hostess of this house died, the son drove her away."

Lu Sihui's memory is very good, to the extent that she has a photographic memory.

She liked this house very much before, it was quiet amidst the noise, the yard was big enough to grow vegetables and flowers, and the house was spacious and bright.

It's just that there was a dispute in the house at that time, and there was a quarrel between the son of the host and the hostess, and no one would give in.

The house was not bought, but I don't know what Zhou Zixu brought himself to do now?
"The house is yours now."

Zhou Zixu laughed. Speaking of which, he has been looking for a house. Sihui gave him the money for so long, and he didn't even do this little thing well. This has become his heart disease.

He knows that Lu Sihui likes this house very much, and he likes it too, so he has been paying attention to it.

The hostess and the host's son fought to the court, and the incident became serious. The hostess even hanged himself in the yard. Finally, the host's son compromised and agreed to sell the house and divide the money equally.

I don't know who spread the rumors that the house's feng shui is not good, the male owner will get sick and die, and the female owner will hang herself, quarreling endlessly with the male owner's son, and the house is restless.

That's it, no one bought the house after posting it for sale.

Zhou Zixu came here after getting the news, and after some bargaining, he bought the house for 200 yuan.

He hired someone to do all the furniture, and it cost more than 200. The bed and sofa are all available. In terms of electrical appliances, there is a radio now, and the rest will be bought when they get married.

The money Lu Sihui gave him was almost spent, and his grandfather gave him 300 yuan to clean up the house. After the competition, he will marry him here.

So from the moment he received the house, he rushed to tidy up the new house.


Lu Sihui got out of the car and followed behind Zhou Zixu, watching him open the door with the key, she still couldn't believe it.

She has her own house, her own home in this world.

"Go into the house and have a look, we will get married here in the future."

Zhou Zixu smiled, put his arm around Lu Sihui's shoulder, and walked towards the house.

"The furniture is all new. Is the money I gave you enough?"

After entering the room, Lu Sihui smelled the paint, saw the brand new furniture, and looked at Zhou Zixu happily.

"Almost, grandpa gave me 300 yuan. What do you need to fill in? I'll find someone to buy it."

Zhou Zixu pushed open the door of the bedroom. Inside was a double wooden bed, the kind with a mosquito net. The bed was so big that two people could easily lie on it.

There is also a large wardrobe with double doors in the room, with flowers and plants carved on the wooden doors on both sides, and a large mirror in the middle.

Lu Sihui walked to the mirror and saw that her whole body was reflected in it, she was very happy.

Although the furniture looks very old, she likes it, and it feels like home here.

"You return the grandpa's money. I'll dig ginseng on the mountain in Kaoshantun, and the money will be enough."

Lu Sihui suddenly remembered this matter, she didn't want to spend grandpa's money.

"You still want to speculate? Let me tell you, those red armbands in the city are looking for you now! Now they have learned to be smart, from light to darkness, don't take risks, grandpa said, I want a room, he This money is used to buy a room.”

(End of this chapter)

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