Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 663 How can I let it go?

Chapter 663 How can I let it go?

Zhou Zixu smiled and hooked her nose. He found these things by accident when he went to the city.

Those who want to sell some goods secretly are now extinct, and no one dares to take risks anymore.


Lu Sihui narrowed her eyes dangerously. These people still wanted to catch her, did they not clean up enough?
"Sihui, this house is our wedding room. As a husband, I still live in the wife's house. Do you despise me?"

Zhou Zixu was joking with her, but he looked pitiful, and he had to pretend to be a little more like it.


Lu Sihui looked at him narrowly, pretending to be pitiful to her?She just didn't follow his mind.

"so sad."

Zhou Zixu lowered his head, his sparkling eyes were covered by long eyelashes, he couldn't see the expression in his eyes, he seemed very lonely in appearance.

She knew clearly that he was faking it, but Lu Sihui's heart suddenly throbbed, as if someone had stabbed her hard with a needle.

She stretched out her hand without thinking, and said to him in a firm voice; "I don't dislike you, as long as I can be with you, it doesn't matter who spends money to buy a house."


Zhou Zixu raised his eyelids, with a wicked smile in his eyes, he couldn't resist hugging him into his arms, and the raindrops of boos fell on Lu Sihui's forehead, eyebrows, and nose, but stopped at the most critical moment up.

Looking at the woman in her arms with blurred eyes and full of expectation, she smiled wickedly.


Lu Sihui was looking forward to having a deep kiss with him, but he stopped after touching her heart, looking at him in confusion, not understanding why he stopped.

"Sihui, there is a bed here, and no one has disturbed me yet. I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself, so let's go quickly! Let's pick up Jianguo."

"Go later."

Lu Sihui laughed, Zhou Zixu, who is not afraid of anything, is afraid of a bed?

She just wanted to challenge his self-control and see how long he could endure it.

Zhou Zixu understood the meaning in her eyes, and was so frightened that he wanted to run away.

But Lu Sihui didn't give him this chance, took his arm and slammed him against the wall.

The smile spread from the corner of her mouth to her eyes, and she looked at him with a provocative smile.

"You forced me."

Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui steadfastly, the sky thunder hit the ground fire, the consequences of this kiss were beyond his control.


Zhou Zixu shook his head, he couldn't bear it anymore, he turned around and forced Lu Sihui against the wall, and lowered his head to grab those red lips.

"Sihui, do you know that you are playing 1 fire?"

Zhou Zixu grabbed her hands and pressed them against the wall, the hot air exhaled from his mouth was like flames erupting from a volcano, almost burning himself to carbon.

His voice seemed to be choked, and it felt like he was about to suffocate. It was so hoarse that it didn't look like his voice anymore.

"do not know."

Lu Sihui smiled innocently, her black eyes were as bright as jewels, and she looked at Zhou Zixu mischievously.

The long eyelashes are like the wings of a butterfly, fluttering like feathers in Zhou Zixu's heart.

His breathing gradually became heavy, and his eyes looked at her more and more hotly.

In Lu Sihui's mind, there is no so-called chastity. 1 concept, love is together, and she has no experience in this area in her previous life, it is because she is busy saving her life, and has never met a man who treats her so sincerely.

Now that I have encountered it, how can I let it go?

(End of this chapter)

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