Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 672 Heaven Has a Way You Don't Go

Chapter 672 Heaven Has a Way You Don't Go

Zhao Yuying's eyes were bloodshot, and everything she saw was blood red. She was terrified, thinking that she would definitely die in this wilderness.

Zhou Zheng squatted in front of her, so frightened that she hurriedly closed her eyes, she hardly dared to breathe, so what Zhou Zheng felt was that her breathing was very weak.

This made him very nervous, and he really wanted to leave her behind and run away, but he was afraid that if he left, the wolf would eat her.

If no one saw it, he didn't care, but the girl who just left obviously knew Zhao Yuying, which made him panic.

Although the two seem to have conflicts, but if someone is killed, she will definitely tell the law enforcement officers the truth.

Just do a little research and you'll be sure to find him.

Sitting on the ground with one butt, it's not a good idea to walk, staying and looking at Zhao Yuying's pig-headed face, compared to Lu Sihui's gorgeous little face like a newly bloomed flower bone, it is even more unpleasant to the eye.

Lu Sihui only knew that Zhao Yuying was beaten, but she didn't know that she was beaten so badly. She was in a good mood, humming the song "Forward, Forward", and walked towards Neishan.

Can't wait to get close to the inner mountains!She became excited first, thinking of the few days of training she had received here, her whole blood boiled.

At that time, she didn't come to enjoy the blessings. It was freezing and snowy, and there was no hot water to drink when she was thirsty. It was good to have some cold boiled water. She usually grabbed the snow on the ground and ate it directly.

The daily training tasks are very heavy, and people without perseverance will not be able to persist in just lurking.

Lying in the snow and not being able to move for a few hours is easy to say but hard to do.

Strides to the mountains, there is still snow on the road, which turns into snow water during the day, and it looks very muddy when it touches the mud on the ground.

At night, the temperature drops sharply, and the ground is very slippery.

She wears Jiefang rubber shoes, the soles are waterproof, but they are very thin, and the edges and corners hurt her feet.

When walking, you should look at the bottom of your feet and try to find a flat road to walk on.

In this way, it will delay some time.

After entering the mountain, the sun had already set in the west, half of the red clouds showed signs of being swallowed by darkness, and the light dimmed.

The lesbians in the propaganda team don't have weapons, they are weapons only for gay men, but Zixu gave her a dagger, which she intends to use for hunting.

The best way is to catch a wild boar, eat half of it, and sell half, so that I can bring more money to my brother.

The forest was originally silent, but when she came, the sound of her footsteps disturbed the sensitive animals in the forest, and they ran away one by one.

With big hearts, Lu Sihui doesn't like these little rabbits, pheasants and so on.

She wanted to catch a wild boar, but she didn't find it after turning around. She planned to enter the space capsule and let the robot search for it.

At this moment, a silly roe deer jumped out and looked around. Its bright black eyes were watery, and it looked very cute.

When Lu Sihui found it, the elk also saw her, and didn't even run away, as if she wasn't afraid of her at all.

Lu Sihui smiled, and threw the dagger back and forth in the air twice to scare the silly roe deer, if it doesn't go away, it will be it.

"Pfft, puff."

There were footsteps in the woods, and a roe deer poked its head out of the woods, startling the silly roe deer to jump up and run away.

Lu Sihui smiled at the deer. It was not small, about forty catties, and it was not difficult for her to carry it down the mountain.

"It's just you. If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you just come in."

Lu Sihui walked towards it with a dagger in her hand. Zhang Zi realized that the danger was approaching, so he jumped up, turned around and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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