Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 673 One stroke kills

Chapter 673

The forest is the home of animals, and they run very fast.

Lu Sihui thought of being funny, and grabbed the tree trunk and chased it all the way.

At dusk, more animals come out, and there is a water source nearby, and small and medium-sized animals will come here to drink water at this time.

Where there are herbivores, there will naturally be carnivores, cheetahs, tigers, wolves, embarrassments, foxes, and jackals.

The deer's desperate running attracted the attention of carnivores. A cheetah suddenly sprang out from the woods. Its speed was very fast. The deer ran for its life, panicked, and ran into the range of the cheetah's predation!
Naturally, the cheetah would not let go of such a golden opportunity, and quickly attacked, biting the deer's neck with its sharp teeth, killing it with one move.

Lu Sihui showed a smile, she did a good job, now it's her.

Jumping down the tree with a dagger in hand, the cat lunged at the cheetah.

In the dense forest, cheetahs are also proud animals. Apart from being afraid of tigers, black bears, and wolves, they don't care about them.

Seeing Lu Sihui trying to snatch food from it, the cheetah bared its teeth to scare her.

"Let's discuss, this is my prey, and it was snatched by you, can we be half of each other?"

Lu Sihui threw up the dagger in her hand, and with a cold light, she discussed with Cheetah with a smile.


The cheetah bit the deer's body and began to make threatening sounds to Lu Sihui.

"Scare me? Then let you taste my strength."

Lu Sihui has taken a fancy to this cheetah, and it is the best for practicing speed.

She flew over and grabbed the tree trunk, and pierced the cheetah's eyes with the dagger in her hand.

If the cheetah wanted to attack her, it naturally had to let go of the roe in its mouth.

Cats, running and jumping very fast, rushed towards Lu Sihui, baring at Lu Sihui with sharp teeth in their mouths.

The subtext is [it’s just right, I’ll bite your neck right away]

The smile on Lu Sihui's face turned serious, and she quickly shot at the cheetah's eyes.

This time, she missed. She miscalculated the speed of the cheetah, and was dodged by it, and rushed towards her with all its teeth and claws.

"The robot comes out."

Lu Sihui grabbed the branch and jumped up the tree, her trousers were scratched by the cheetah's sharp claws, and there were several bloody scratches on her tender legs.

She hastily called out the robot, not daring to attack rashly.

Blood gushed out of the wound quickly, and the smell of blood stimulated the cheetah. It made a threatening sound and sprinted towards the tree.

At a critical moment, the robot came out, the laser hit the cheetah's leg, and the unpleasant smell of singeing wafted through the woods.

Lu Sihui stroked her forehead, why did she forget to take the laser pointer?
The cheetah fled into the woods in pain, and Lu Sihui called to stop the robot.

It would be unjust to steal someone's food and then kill it.

"Take it into the capsule and heal me."

Lu Sihui pointed at the deer and ordered the robot, she was not so stupid as to walk with a [-]-jin deer on her shoulders in a place where no one was around!

The robot mechanically followed the instructions, and sent the roe into the space capsule, and Lu Sihui followed to treat the scratch on his leg.

"There are bacteria."

The detection machine emits an alarm sound.


Lu Sihui gave the order.

The cheetah's paws are naturally bacteria-free, and it is very dangerous if they are not disinfected.

When Lu Sihui went down the mountain, it was already completely dark, so she didn't have to worry about bumping into people, she just took out this kind of deer and carried it on her back when she arrived in the urban area.

Passing by the place where Zhao Yuying fell into the ditch before, she slowed down, because she heard a voice calling for help, it was that man, the man's voice was crying, she really looked down on such a coward.

"Where is it?" With a very familiar voice, Lu Sihui dodged into the woods, not wanting to cause trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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