Chapter 674

The person who came was Zhao Jinchen. He was scouted from Neishan and went to work to report the situation to Zhou Zisong. He heard someone calling for help from a distance. As a man of iron blood, he couldn't ignore it.

Then he ran over, but he didn't see anyone, so he could only run and shout.

"Here, there are wolves."

Zhou Zheng's voice was trembling. This time, Zhao Jinchen judged that the voice was coming from the bottom of the ditch. When he heard a wolf, he took out his dagger and prepared to attack.

Zhou was dancing back and forth with a dead tree root at the bottom of the ditch, and two wild dogs were watching him covetously.

The wild dogs in the mountains eat everything and are very hungry, and people are no exception.

They may see that Zhou is a useless thing, so they are not afraid of him at all, bared their teeth, made a whining sound, and approached him.

Zhou Zheng could only keep waving the tree roots in his hands. After a long time, his arms lost strength. He looked at Zhao Yuying who was still unconscious, and wanted to run away.

With her as the prey, these wild wolves should not come after him.

He mistook wild dogs for wild wolves. One was because of the dark sky, and the other was that he lived in the city and couldn't tell the difference between wild wolves and wild dogs.

He only felt that its shining green eyes were very scary. He yelled for help, and he wanted to climb up the ditch.

He wanted to throw Zhao Yuying as bait to restrain the wild dogs, but the wild dogs were more interested in him, and when they saw him climbing up the ditch, they came to attack.

He bit his ass with one bite, and his sharp teeth bit through the pants and the woolen pants inside. Naturally, the meat inside couldn't be spared.

Biting off a piece of meat, Zhou Zhengtong almost fainted, screamed and threw a tree root at the wild dog.

The wild dog was flexible and jumped aside, the tree root fell to the ground, the self-defense weapon was gone, and the blood from the wound stimulated the wild dog's wildness.

Two dogs barked and rushed at him.


Zhou Zheng peed in fright, squatted in the ditch and covered his head, thinking that he would die for sure.

Suddenly feeling a gust of wind, he waved his hands to block it: "Don't eat me, eat her, her meat is delicious."

Zhao Jinchen fought with wild dogs, and when he heard Zhou Zheng's words, his nose almost turned out of anger.

Feeling sad for the comatose woman on the ground. What kind of man is this? Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and when disaster strikes, do they fly separately?

Don't protect your daughter-in-law at the critical moment, and let wild dogs eat women?
At this time, he didn't know that it was his sister Zhao Yuying who was unconscious, and the two wild dogs also knew how to watch people order dishes. Seeing Zhao Jinchen's murderous look, they turned around and ran away.

"what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Jinchen put away his dagger, frowned and asked Zhou Zheng.

At this time, he hadn't recognized Zhou Zheng yet. After all, the last time we met was during the day, and now it's night.

In terms of voice, Zhou Zheng changed his tone in shock, but Zhao Jinchen didn't hear it.

He didn't recognize Zhou Zheng, but the other party recognized him, and his heart that had just stabilized suddenly raised again.

Zhao Jinchen really found out that he beat his sister like this, so he must kill him?

He saw his skill just now, two wolves can't beat him, not to mention his small physique?

Eyeballs whirled around, and he didn't dare to say anything, for fear that Zhao Jinchen would recognize his voice.

The reason why this kid didn't leave Zhao Yuying behind was because he was reluctant to part with his newly bought bicycle and hoped that Zhao Yuying would help him push the bike up after he woke up.

But this woman didn't know if she was pretending, and she didn't wake up.

He wanted to hurry back to the city while it was dark. No one would find the bicycle at this time of night, so he couldn't lose it. However, he was caught by a wild dog and almost died.

"I'm asking you something! Is this your daughter-in-law? What happened to her?"

(End of this chapter)

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