Chapter 679
Lu Sihui was humming a song at home to deal with the roe deer. First, she had to peel the skin, and the supply and marketing cooperative would take it, and it wouldn't change much, so she didn't plan to keep it at all.

After removing the internal organs, fur, head and feet of tens of catties of deer, there is not much meat left. It would be good to have more than 20 catties.

She salted part of the meat, and stewed the rest in a pot.

The smell of meat soon filled the room, and she was in a good mood.

Thinking of the scene where he went to complain to Zhou Zisong, he was stunned and felt very happy.

They have been suspected, wronged, and investigated by them all the time, and let them have a taste of what it is like.

Especially this Zhao Jinchen, counting him as nothing, saved his life, and he even took himself to the work unit, saying she was a spy.

This kind of ungrateful person, she wants to show him some color.

As for Zhao Yuying's beating, she felt that the beating was too light and should be beaten to death.

In the evening, she ate a big leg of roe deer, which was more than usual. She really wanted to drink some wine to celebrate, but unfortunately there was none at home.

Zhou Zixu was angry with his grandfather at home at this time, and wanted to sneak to Sihui's place to accompany him at night, but his grandfather was watching him guardedly.

Grandpa used to be a scout, and he strictly controlled every possible escape route.

This made Zhou Zixu feel that he was the chick, and his grandfather was the eagle that flew up that day, and whenever he moved, he would hold him down with one paw.

"Grandpa, let me play chess with you! But you have to win something, otherwise it's boring."

Zhou Zixu thought of an idea as soon as his eyes rolled, and he was negotiating with his grandfather while holding the chessboard with a smile.

"What kind of idea are you kidding, don't think I don't know, no, there is no way, grandson, if the two love for a long time, how can they be in the day and night."

Mr. Zhou was leaning on a cane, sitting as firmly as Mount Tai, and even pulled a noun for him.

"Okay, Grandpa, where did you learn it?"

Zhou Zixu was overjoyed, crossed his hands behind his head, and leaned comfortably on the back of the sofa, with helplessness in his lazy voice.

"Don't think that grandpa can only fight one battle. Recently, he also read poetry. There is a golden house in the book. You should learn more."

Mr. Zhou looked at his grandson with a smile, he was very good-tempered.

"I don't want to study. I want to study books on the affairs of the emperor. I don't read these poems written by Yingying and Yanyan."

Zhou Zixu stretched his long legs and placed them on the coffee table to make himself sit more comfortably.

"Take off your legs, whether you are sitting or standing, how can you set an example for Dongsheng?"

Mr. Zhou was really willing to do it, he hit his grandson on the leg with a cane, and taught him a lesson.

"Grandpa, I'm your grandson. I'm really willing to do it. I'm not afraid that I'll be crippled. What if I can't participate in the competition? How can I propose to Sihui without the medal of the champion in this competition? It doesn't matter if you hit me, granddaughter-in-law. gone."

Zhou Zixu held his leg and looked at his grandfather sadly, but in fact he was just pretending.

"If you hit you once, there will be such serious consequences, right?"

Grandpa Zhou looked at his grandson nervously. Zhou Zixu saw the threat in his grandpa's eyes, so he didn't dare to agree easily, and wanted to retreat quickly.

But it was too late, Grandpa's crutch hit his head and face: "That's more serious, let me see if I can hit it a few more times?"

"Are you my grandpa?"

Zhou Zixu turned around and ran upstairs. Grandpa's hands are strong!These hits really hurt.

"Stinky boy playing tricks with me, when your grandfather and I played tricks with others, you were not born yet!"

Mr. Zhou put his cane on his shoulder with a smile, and looked at his grandson running away with some satisfaction.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhou Zixu tiptoed downstairs, intending to get rid of his grandfather and go find Sihui by himself.

"What are you doing sneakily?"

(End of this chapter)

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