Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 680 Strict control

Chapter 680 Strict control
Zhou Zixu looked back into his grandfather's room!I heard grandpa's mellow and majestic voice from downstairs.

Annoyance flashed in his eyes, and then a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Morning, Grandpa, I want to see if you are up. If not, I will go to school to pick up Jianguo first, and then I will pick you up when I come back."

"Don't bother, I'll pick Jianguo up with you."

Mr. Zhou had already dressed neatly. He was afraid that his grandson would abandon him and sneak away, so he guarded Zhou Zixu's only way, and finally caught him.

Zhou Zixu followed behind his grandfather with a sad face. No matter how cunning the little fox was, he couldn't keep up with the twists and turns of the old fox, so he admitted it.

As soon as he opened the accelerator, Dongsheng ran out wearing a vest, shorts and slippers.

"Grandpa, uncle, I will go too."

"Yeah, he got up early enough today."

Zhou Zixu shook his head helplessly, one old and one young, why are they both so energetic?
After picking up Lu Jianguo at school, the car drove to the new house.

"Brother-in-law, is my sister really back?"

Lu Jianguo excitedly put his face next to Zhou Zixu's car seat, and almost put his chin on his brother-in-law's shoulder to talk, which shows how close he and Zhou Zixu are.

"came back."

Whenever Lu Jianguo called his brother-in-law, Zhou Zixu felt happy in his heart.

"Your sister should cook something delicious for you right now!"

Zhou Zixu really guessed right, but Lu Sihui didn't only do it for Jianguo, but also him, a greedy cat.

Zhou Zixu likes to eat barbecue, so Lu Sihui got up early in the morning and went to the yard to set up a wooden rack. The roe deer meat that was marinated yesterday has already jumped on the stove hook. She is thinking about making a special rack for barbecue. Fearing that the stove hooks would not be clean, she brushed them a dozen times.

As soon as Zhou Zixu got off the car, he could smell the aroma of barbecue, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise. Sihui looked cold, but his heart was hot!
Anyway, he is narcissistic and thinks that this barbecue must be made for him.

"It's really fragrant, Sihui, do you want to make something delicious for grandpa?"

Mr. Zhou got out of the car and sniffed, laughed loudly, and happily shouted to Sihui in the yard.

"Yes! Grandpa, make a barbecue, and there is stew in the house, which is your favorite game."

Lu Sihui came over to support her grandfather, and pointed to the wooden frame erected in the yard. The roe deer on it had already started to emit oil, making a sizzling sound, and smelled strange.

"Sihui, what seasoning do you use for cooking? Why is it so fragrant?"

Aunt Su humbly asked Lu Sihui for advice. Earlier Zhou Zixu brought her a packet of seasonings for her to put on when cooking, but she didn't dare to use it and left it there all the time!
The main reason is that this food tastes too fragrant, and she is afraid that eating it will be bad for the old man's health.

"It's an aniseed prickly ash that is common in the mountains. I grind it into powder and mix it together for a good taste."

Lu Sihui explained vaguely that there are still a lot of seasonings and herbs in the mountains, but she didn't have the time to look for them.

Now they are all in the space capsule. If they are useless, just send a robot to find them and let him make them. She doesn't have to work hard at all.

"so smart."

Aunt Su smiled and praised Lu Sihui, but her eyes were on Mr. Zhou. She is blessed in her old age. Sihui and Zixu will definitely honor him well.

"Sihui, did you enter the mountain last night?"

Zhou Zixu frowned and asked Sihui, just now she said that he had hunted wild game, and it was already late when he and grandpa left yesterday, so she is not afraid of danger when entering the mountain so late.

"Yes! Grandpa likes to eat game. I didn't go to the mountains. I was lucky and caught a deer."

Lu Sihui didn't care when she saw the complaint in Zhou Zixu's eyes, she knew he was worried about her.

His eyes flickered, thinking whether he should tell him about meeting Zhao Yuying and Zhao Jinchen?
(End of this chapter)

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