Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 681 Don't You Care?

Chapter 681 Don't You Care?
"Is there something you're hiding from me? Huh?"

He probably knew more about Sihui than she did herself. Seeing the hesitation in her eyes, Zhou Zixu walked over and whispered a question in her ear.

His breath came to his nostrils, and Lu Sihui's face turned red unexpectedly.

Looking at his fiery red thin Chun Chun, his thoughts slipped away.

Zhou Zixu saw her staring intently at his mouth, his heart moved, his eyes narrowed, what did he want to play with him?

He also wanted to hug Sihui into his arms and eat his fill.

It's a pity that there are four pairs of eyes watching it!He must restrain himself.

It's just that her own fragrance floated into his breath, like the fragrance of green grass after being washed by rain, and there was a faint fragrance of flowers in it.

It smells better than any perfume, and every time I get close to her, my heartbeat will speed up and be uncontrollable.

"Ahem, are you in danger?"

Old man Zhou coughed twice, breaking the lingering eyes between the two of them. One should marry them earlier, otherwise he would die of exhaustion.

"No, I just watched a play."

Hearing her grandfather's question, Lu Sihui reluctantly looked back at Zixu, and told them what she saw last night.

"If a man hits a woman, if I see it and my hand is broken, what will he use to hit her?"

Zhou Zixu frowned, he was jealous, he looked down on men who beat women the most, no matter if they were wives or partners, they were all for pain, how could they be willing to beat them?
"Zhao Jinchen taught him a lesson."

Lu Sihui glanced at him indifferently, fortunately he was not here, otherwise Zhao Yuying would not have learned a lesson.

Just like Li Lanni last time, he just couldn't bear to help, she was still very angry at that time!
"He is an iron-blooded man, how can he do it casually?"

Mr. Zhou frowned, this matter might be troublesome.

"Let's ignore them and eat meat."

Lu Sihui didn't want to discuss Zhao Jinchen any more, so she moved in and out of the table, Zhou Zixu hurried over to help.

"Sihui, it's not that simple! You still have something to hide from me?"

Zhou Zixu asked Lu Sihui in a low voice, but in return she looked at him and smiled, and said to him in a low voice, "I'll go to your elder brother and sue Zhao Jinchen."

"You sue him?"

Zhou Zixu stroked his forehead, and silently mourned for Zhao Jinchen for three seconds.

"He always doubts me, I let him have a taste."

Lu Sihui turned cold. Only when one has experienced it himself can one know how others feel.

"Forget it, eat."

Zhou Zixu shook his head helplessly. In the past, Zhao Jinchen did doubt Lu Sihui repeatedly, and even because of his suspicion, the elder brother gave the order to kill Lu Sihui if he was suspicious.

It was understandable for Sihui to give Zhao Jinchen some eye drops, and she was worried for her good friend, fearing that it would not be easy for him to pass the test this time.

After a meal, Lu Jianguo took Dongsheng to play in the yard, Aunt Su cleaned up the dishes, and Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu played chess with grandpa.

The small courtyard is very warm, and this kind of life is somewhat pastoral.

In the hospital, after examination, Zhou Zheng's injury was similar to that of Zhao Yuying's. He also had a concussion, a broken nose bridge, and a broken brow bone, but it was a little more serious than Zhao Yuying's. He lost two big teeth, and he swallowed one of them.

Zhou Zheng's parents and elder brother came, pushing and hitting Zhao Jinchen.

"How dare you beat my son like this?"

Zhao Jinchen stared at them coldly, his fists were clenched, and he felt the urge to kill.

"What are you doing?"

Zhou Zisong's voice was sharp, and his eyes were even more murderous, and the stern aura suddenly stunned these people.

"You are the leader, right! This person beat my son seriously, so the unit doesn't care?"

(End of this chapter)

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