Chapter 682
Zhou Zheng's father was a smart man, he knew Zhou Zisong was the leader when he saw Zhou Zisong's aura, so he came to complain to him, and he couldn't let his son be beaten for nothing.

"Your son severely injured his sister. He is an iron-blooded man, and her sister is a family member. If he beats a family member at will, our unit will not sit idly by. Similarly, it is wrong for him to do it, and we will not tolerate it."

Zhou Zisong's voice was cold, but his words were clear, and each played [-] big boards. Zhou Zheng's family didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Beat family members?"

Zhou Zheng's elder brother frowned. He was also a leader, and he knew that this matter was serious.

"Yes, he was in the ward and he was beaten badly, that's why he beat Zhou Zheng in a fit of anger."

Zhou Zisong pointed to Zhao Yuying's ward, did not cover up Zhao Jinchen, and said that he would deal with it, but he would also pursue it.

Zhou Zheng's elder brother gasped. If he really pursued it, his younger brother's job would be lost, and he might even go to jail.

"What happened to the target?"

Zhou Zheng's father was still yelling there, and his brother dragged him over to see Zhao Yuying, the beating was really miserable!I can't even see what it looked like before, like a pig's head, the head is swollen.

"The doctor said it was a moderate concussion. This is a serious injury. Our unit will not sit idly by."

Zhou Zisong's voice was cold, and his words felt very oppressive to Zhou Zheng's brother.

He tugged at his father's sleeve and pulled him aside to discuss.

Zhou Zheng's mother was still crying and wanted to hit Zhao Jinchen, but she was so frightened by Zhou Zisong's cold eyes that she stood aside and dared not go over.

"What are you pulling me for?"

"I don't think this matter can be pursued. If it gets too big, Zhou Zheng will have to go to jail. Didn't you see how he beat him up? Zhou Zheng has a criminal record, and he has beaten his wife before. This time he beat his wife. It's not a daughter-in-law! As long as someone bites her to death and pursues it, no one will be cured."

The father and son muttered to each other, but Zhou Zisong put his hands behind his back and ignored them.

The coldness emanating from him frightened Zhou Zheng's family members, and no one dared to get close to him.

"Leader, smoking, this matter is a family matter. The one who was beaten was my younger brother's partner. The one who beat my brother was my uncle. We don't hold him accountable for beating my brother. See if you can not hold me accountable." What about younger brother beating Zhao Yuying?"

What he said was like a tongue twister, Zhou Zheng's elder brother was also anxious, took out a cigarette and handed it to Zhou Zisong, who waved his hand and refused.

"It depends on the consequences. If Zhao Yuying dies, our unit will not ignore it. As for Zhao Jinchen, we will also deal with it."

He didn't say anything, Zhou Zheng's brother was even more anxious, Zhao Yuying's current situation didn't look good, she was still in a coma!

They couldn't ask the doctor in front of Zhou Zisong, they didn't know what to do, so they didn't speak hard.

"Leader, this is a family. We don't want to pursue Zhao Jinchen's beating of my younger brother. Who made him mess up? Drink some wine and beat him! Can we resolve internal conflicts among the people?"

Zhou Zheng's elder brother wanted to reconcile now, and it was true that his younger brother was beaten.

"If this is the case, you have to issue written materials to explain clearly what happened and why you didn't pursue it."

Zhou Zisong looked at him coldly, his face was serious and he didn't show any signs of loosening. What he said couldn't be used as evidence, and it was not impossible for him to go back on his word when the time came.

Zhou Zheng's elder brother had no choice but to write written materials, and signed them together with his father.

Zhou Zisong looked through the materials calmly, then raised his eyes to look at Zhao Jinchen, seeing how he looked, he didn't intend to let it go.

"Come here, take Zhao Jinchen back."

(End of this chapter)

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