Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 683 I was impulsive last night

Chapter 683 I was impulsive last night
He ordered the servants to go and take her away. As for Zhao Yuying, he looked at Zhou Zheng's brother: "You take care of her first, and I'll send someone to bring her parents. If she dies, we can't hold her account and do my best."

Giving orders for a long time, Zhou Zisong is not angry and pretentious, speaking to anyone as if he is giving orders.

Zhou Zheng's elder brother was a leader, but he was overwhelmed by his aura, so he honestly agreed to guard Zhao Yuying himself.

I just beg her not to die, otherwise the matter will never end.

Zhou Zixu watched his grandfather and Sihui play chess restlessly, thinking about the possible punishment Zhao Jinchen might face, and was very worried.

"Grandpa, let's go! I have to go back to work."

Lu Sihui raised her eyes and glanced at him, her absent-minded look revealed his mood.

She was just teaching Zhao Jinchen a lesson, and she didn't think about the consequences at all. Seeing Zhou Zixu's worried look now, she regretted it a bit.

Apart from always being suspicious, Zhao Jinchen is still a good comrade. He covered her and Zhou Zisong's departure in X City, and worked hard and conscientiously during training.

Can he be fired because of what he sued him?

She didn't want him to be fired, she just wanted him to taste what it was like to be sued.

It was really because she was blown up by the suspicion that Zhao Jinchen and Zhou Zisong were switching shifts these days, that's why she had the impulse yesterday.

"I'll go with you."

"You go?"

Zhou Zixu obviously misunderstood what she meant. Is he going to fight Zhao Jinchen to the end?
Difficulty appeared in his eyes, one side was his life and death brother, the other side was his lover, and he didn't want any of them to get hurt.

"I was impulsive last night."

Lu Sihui has this temper, if she is wrong, she will admit it, unlike Zhao Yuying and the others who try to blame others for their mistakes.

"Let's go!"

Zhou Zixu looked at her with shining black eyes, Sihui was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, not cold and heartless.

"Let's go!"

Mr. Zhou obviously hasn't stayed long enough, it's good to live here, take care of the garden every day, play chess with his grandson and granddaughter-in-law, and live a leisurely life in his later years.

"Master, can I stay at Aunt Sihui's house tonight?"

It had been a long time since I had seen Lu Jianguo, and Dong Sheng was reluctant to leave. It was better to have him play with him than to stay at home and stare out the window in a daze.

He dare not go out to play with children, they always call him a wild child without a mother, his fragile heart is overwhelmed, and he has low self-esteem.

"Okay, you stay here! When your Uncle Jianguo goes to school, you have to go back."

Master Zhou saw the longing in his great-grandson's eyes, and he couldn't bear to refuse the child's request. He was only happy when he was with Lu Jianguo.

After sending grandpa home, Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui went directly to the security brigade. Lu Sihui didn't know how to face Zhou Zisong.

It was me who came to sue, and now I am pleading for Zhao Jinchen.

"Tell me about it in detail."

Zhou Zixu didn't ask her carefully when his grandfather was there before, but now that there were only two of them, he felt relieved to ask her.


Lu Sihui went hunting by herself in the mountains, and then met Zhao Yuying and Zhou Zheng, and then they quarreled, and Zhou Zheng beat Zhao Yuying, and then when she saw Zhao Jinchen beat Zhou Zheng, she thought of suing him.

At that time, this idea was really strong, she was really angry that he was suspicious and investigated repeatedly, and wanted to teach him a lesson.

"I left after that. As for whether your eldest brother found Zhou Zheng? I don't know."

Lu Sihui didn't follow Zhou Zisong, but just told him the location. As an iron-blooded man, as long as he knew the location, he would naturally find someone. She didn't have the kindness to save Zhou Zheng.

"Go to the unit and have a look, maybe things are not so bad!"

(End of this chapter)

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