Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 684 This pot is really good at throwing

Chapter 684 This pot is really good at throwing
Zhou Zixu comforted Lu Sihui, he felt that his elder brother should send Zhou Zheng to the hospital for emergency treatment.

At this moment, Zhao Jinchen is estimated to have been taken back to the unit. According to the character of the elder brother, he will not punish him, but he will also protect him.

At present, Sihui will not kill Zhao Jinchen and sue Zhao Jinchen, then only Zhou Zheng's family will be left. If they don't sue, Zhao Jinchen will be locked up at most.

If he insists on pursuing the matter, he should at least make a major demerit. This is a very serious matter, and it will involve various aspects such as promotion and job change in the future. What he is really worried about is this.

The security department is the same as usual. Friends are training hard on the drill ground, and the comrades on duty stand upright like green pines.

The iron-blooded unit, the iron-blooded stationmates, the momentum is like a rainbow.

Every time Lu Sihui comes here, she feels excited and likes the serious atmosphere here.

Being in the publicity team is too loose, it is not suitable for her to stay for a long time.

Zhou Zixu parked the car in front of the leader's office, took Lu Sihui out of the car and walked in. The door was open, and the elder brother should be there.


Although he is the captain, he still has to call for a report when he sees his superiors. This is a rule.


Zhou Zisong had seen it since Zhou Zixu parked the car in front of the door, and he felt a little uneasy about Lu Sihui's arrival.

Zhou Zheng's family did not pursue the matter anymore, but if Lu Sihui killed her and sued, he would not be able to keep Zhao Jinchen.

Remembering a small demerit is the lightest punishment. Although Zhao Jinchen's attack was a bit harsh, but facing his sister being beaten so badly, any man with blood will take action to teach that bastard a lesson.

"Director Zhou."

Lu Sihui was wearing a uniform, and she had to salute Zhou Zisong, and she followed the discipline.

"Well, are you here?"

Zhou Zisong looked cold, glanced at his younger brother, and then asked Lu Sihui.

"Yes, I thought about it for a while, Zhao Jinchen should hit that kid, so I withdraw the report."

Lu Sihui asked this question on the way. Zhou Zixu told her what to say, and she just had to repeat it.

"I reported it, can it be easily withdrawn?"

The worry in Zhou Zisong's heart was gone, but there was no expression on his face, his face was still cold, his voice didn't change, and he could still freeze to death.

"Then do whatever you want!"

Lu Sihui looked at him indifferently, if Zhou Zisong made up his mind to punish Zhao Jinchen, it had nothing to do with her.

Zhou Zisong looked at her coldly, never expecting her to answer like this.

It really seemed that she had nothing to do with her, and she thought she would anxiously say good things to Zhao Jinchen, but in the end she threw him a difficult problem.

She doesn't sue here, and he doesn't agree, so it has nothing to do with her.

This pot was so well thrown, he didn't know how to pick it up for a moment.

"Brother, let alone my own brother, even I, an outsider, will teach me a lesson when I see a woman being beaten. Zhao Jinchen is not a god. He is a man of flesh and blood. Can you give him a lighter punishment based on his previous achievements as a king? "

Zhou Zixu saw that things were frozen here, so he hurriedly passed a step to his elder brother.

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu strangely, would Zhou Zisong listen to him?That's an iceberg, completely devoid of human emotion.

She felt that no matter what she and Zixu said, Zhou Zisong would punish Zhao Jinchen normally.

However, this has nothing to do with her.

Lu Sihui's attitude of staying out of the matter made Zhou Zisong very uncomfortable. She obviously provoked this matter, but now she pretends to be a good person and doesn't care about anything?

He squinted at her and spoke in a deep voice.

"Do you think so too?"

(End of this chapter)

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