Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 685 Become Your Falcon

Chapter 685 Become Your Falcon
"You are the leader, and he is your subordinate."

Lu Sihui said to him coldly, how you want to be punished is your own business, and has nothing to do with her.

Zhou Zisong had suppressed anger in his eyes, and looked at her with dark eyes, feeling that he had been set aside by her. If Zhao Jinchen was not punished, he would be lax in governing the monarch.

However, Lu Sihui was not afraid of the fierce aura emanating from him, she smiled at him slightly, raised her eyebrows slightly, with a hint of provocation.

She was born beautiful, and with such a smile, it was like a tree full of pear blossoms blooming together, amazed everything in an instant.

Zhou Zisong lowered his eyelids, withdrew his persuasive gaze, walked towards his desk with his long legs, and turned his back to the two of them.

A deep and cold voice sounded.

"You can go."


Zhou Zixu originally wanted to say a few more good words for Zhao Jinchuan, but seeing his appearance at this time, he knew that it would be useless to say more, so he had to salute and leave with Sihui.

The servant came and closed the door, and the room was quiet except for Zhou Zisong's shallow breathing.

"That's enough."

Walking out of the director's office, Zhou Zixu sighed. According to what he knew about his elder brother, Zhao Jinchen was about to suffer a bit.

"I want to see how your elder brother will punish him. If you know the letter, let me know."

When Lu Sihui spoke suddenly, Zhou Zixu frowned and looked at her. The sun shone on her face, making the expression in her eyes look secretive and obscure.

"it is good."

Zhou Zixu frowned, what was Sihui thinking?Do you really care about Zhao Jinchen, or do you want to see his jokes?
"Zixu, I don't want to stay in the propaganda team anymore, how can I become an iron-blooded man like you?"

Lu Sihui looked enviously at the training ground. Her friends were doing physical training. The weather in April was still a bit chilly, but they were training shirtless. Those strong muscles could only be obtained through long-term hard training.

"Sihui, in fact, you are not suitable to be a comrade. Your personality is the same as mine before. You don't like to be restrained by others. Instead, it is more suitable for you to resign and find a unit to work."

Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui seriously. At this time, she looked at the training ground with envy, which showed how much she liked the life of the Jun team.

It's just that her personality is too strong, and she is too good, which always arouses unnecessary suspicion. In order to protect her, I hope that she will hide her edge, return to the simple life before, and stop staying in the unit.

"No, I don't like the short days of those parents. I hope I can fight side by side with you."

Lu Sihui looked sideways at Zhou Zixu, her dark eyes were full of determination.

Women's eyes are generally gentle, but hers are more like the eyes of a man of iron and blood, with a hidden sharpness under the calm appearance.

She is like a sharp dagger, she won't stab you if you don't get close, but if you provoke, what awaits you is the price of bloodshed.

"Sihui, I hope that I will always be the mountain you rely on, and I don't want you to have any risks."

Zhou Zixu took Lu Sihui's hand and squeezed it tightly, expressing his feelings.

The last time Sihui was injured, he was so distressed that he made up his mind at that time not to let her take risks in the future.

Protect her behind him and don't let anyone hurt her.

"No, I want to be the Falcon in your writing."

Lu Sihui looked up at him, her bright black eyes shone brightly under the sunlight.

Zhou Zixu suddenly understands a truth, she is a bright pearl, why is she willing to stay in the corner forever, she wants to radiate her brilliance in the sun and become his pride.

Zhou Zisong stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, his brows furrowed tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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