Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 686 Will You Give Her This Chance

Chapter 686 Will You Give Her This Chance
Lu Sihui and her younger brother have similar personalities. She does have the ability to be a falcon. Will he give her this chance?

With a thought, the Special Operations Team never had a title before, but now, he wanted to call it the Falcon.

After many investigations, Lu Sihui was not suspected of being a villain, but she could be officially allowed to join.

For this team, the leader gave him a platoon organization and asked him to find excellent talents for training.

It's just that what he has been hesitating about is that Lu Sihui's character flaws must be reported, fearing that she won't be able to unite her teammates and disobey orders.

The report was on the desk, and he hesitated to hand it in.

At first it was because of her doubts, but now it is because of her character.

Feeling that someone was watching her, Lu Sihui turned her head to look at Zhou Zisong's office, meeting his scrutinizing eyes.

Not liking to be stared at by him with such complicated eyes all the time, Lu Sihui frowned and looked back, took Zhou Zixu's hand and said something.

"Let's go!"

"it is good."

Zhou Zixu nodded. He looked in the direction of the confinement. There were guards at the door. He suspected that Zhao Jinchen was locked inside.

After hearing Lu Sihui's words, he withdrew his gaze. Under the gaze of his elder brother, he couldn't take Sihui to the confinement room. He could only wait to see Jin Chen when he came to work tomorrow.

Lu Sihui didn't care what punishment Zhao Jinchen would receive?Anyway, she breathed out the breath she held in her heart, and she was in a good mood.

"Sihui, I'll take you home."

Zhou Zixu drove away from the unit and looked at Sihui who was sitting in the passenger seat. She looked very happy with a faint smile on her lips.

He likes her to laugh, but at this moment, he is not in the mood to laugh.

On the way home, Zhou Zixu kept frowning, and Lu Sihui looked at him several times with this deep and dignified expression.

She knew in her heart that he was worried about Zhao Jinchen, but she didn't want to ask more.

In the hospital, Zhao Yaozu and his wife Zhou Guifang were picked up by Zhou Zisong. When she saw her daughter's swollen and unrecognizable face, Zhou Guifang burst into tears.

"Which one who received a thousand dollars beat my daughter like this? Old man, let's go to the police, we can't just let them go."

Zhou Guifang's words frightened Zhou Zheng's elder brother. He managed to suppress the work unit, but Zhao Yuying's parents made a fuss again.

Leaning over to pass a cigarette to Zhao Yaozu, with a smile on his face: "Hello, Uncle, I am Zhou Zheng's elder brother."

Zhao Yaozu saw his daughter in such a miserable state, he couldn't cry like his daughter-in-law, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists angrily, if the person who beat his daughter was in front of him, he would definitely beat that dog to death unceremoniously.

Hearing the word Zhou Zheng, he felt very familiar, it seemed that the girl was called by this name.

His son Zhao Jinchen came back and said that the boy didn't look like a good person, so he and his wife persuaded the girl not to just find someone to marry just to stay in the city.

He had talked with Zhao Yuying, and his daughter's reaction was very violent, she insisted on staying with him and not letting them meddle.

No matter what he said, he would not go back to the countryside to farm, and if he said more, he would simply live in the factory and not go home. In the end, he compromised, and wanted to see if this Zhou Zheng was not a good person, as his son said.

The agreement was made yesterday, but when the sun set and the moon was high, no one came. A table of prepared dishes was reheated two or three times, and it was finally served in the middle of the night.

He and his wife were worried all night, and the unit sent a car to pick him up, only to find out that his daughter had been injured.

Facing Zhou Zheng's brother's hospitality, he frowned thickly. The daughter is unconscious here, but the elder brother is taking care of her. Where did Zhou Zheng go?
(End of this chapter)

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