Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 691 I Found a Treasure

Chapter 691 I Found a Treasure

"Sihui, let's compare and see who has the best grades."

Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui trained together, like a real competition field, and felt nervous when competing with his elder brother.

Lu Sihui is only a little bit worse than him, which makes him feel ashamed. How long has he been practicing? How long has Sihui been in contact with formal training?
If it was the same time, he doubted that she would surpass him.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui was full of pride, holding a five-four hand gun, thinking about the skills of dismantling and assembling a gun that she had learned in the inner mountain of Kaoshan Tun, she became interested again.

The little hand flew up and down, and the grab was removed. Zhou Zixu looked at her dotingly, feeling more and more that he had dug a treasure.

It was his luck that he found her first before others noticed her.

After checking the accuracy, Lu Sihui reinstalled the gun and smiled confidently at Zhou Zixu.

"let's start!"

Zhou Zixu nodded, raised his bow and arrow, and aimed at a target 50 meters away. He is almost a genius in archery.

Starting from learning to rob, basically hitting the heart is the target.

Lu Sihui was a little nervous, her palms were covered with cold sweat, she was not afraid before, but today she was nervous.

It was as if he was standing on a real playing field.

"Sihui, let's start with eight arrows each, compare speed, accuracy, and hit rate."

Zhou Zixu was explaining to Lu Sihui, there was naturally someone reporting the target, and someone shouted here, it was like a regular game.

"I see."

Lu Sihui's moist and clear eyes were full of confidence, and her rosy lips were tightly pressed. She had already focused all her attention on the target 50 meters away.

I really hope that all eight of my arrows can hit the bullseye.

Zhou Zisong also stood under the tree and watched them at some point. In this competition, he was one step behind his younger brother. Speaking of which, he had been negligent in training recently.

The sun was dazzling, and he narrowed his cold eyes slightly to make sure that he could see their wonderful game.

At this time, he found his father and political commissar Zhang, and they should have come to inspect.

He noticed that his father's eyes were brighter than usual, and he looked at the two people on the practice field with interest in his eyes.

This was the first time I saw my father look at my younger brother like this. Before, he looked at him coldly, without any warmth.

There was a faint movement in his heart. It seemed that his father was satisfied and proud of his younger brother's outstanding performance. He deliberately turned a blind eye to him and just wanted to make him better.

I just don't know if my younger brother can understand his painstaking efforts.

The other comrades on the training ground were doing physical training, and Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu were training like a competition, which aroused the interest of the comrades.

Zhou Zixu's comrades encouraged him in their hearts, and friends from the second and third teams also hoped that Zhou Zixu would win.

As for Lu Sihui, they now have a lot of admiration in their hearts. They know that little girl, and they have been training in the Iron Blood Brigade for half a month before!
Captain Ma of the third team pursed his lips. He had been defeated by Lu Sihui before, and he still refused to admit defeat. Today, he saw her perform so well in three consecutive competitions.

I began to admire her secretly, thinking in my heart, if I compete with her in these events, will I lose or win?
The people outside the field had their own thoughts, but the two people on the field were already engrossed, entered the state of the game, and waited for the order from the starting officer to pull the trigger.

Political Commissar Zhang looked at Zhou Baichuan with a smile at this moment, and teased him, "Old Zhou, let's make a bet, shall we?"

(End of this chapter)

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