Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 692 Convinced of Losing

Chapter 692 Convinced of Losing
Zhou Baichuan glanced at him indifferently. Last time he bet with him, he lost. That time he guessed that Zisong would win, but the facts proved that Zhou Zixu was superior.

Even better than the elder son he is most proud of, he refuses to admit it, but he still agrees with Commissar Zhang's words in his heart, the younger son's mind is much stronger than the elder son.

"Do you want to guess who won?"

He said in a cold voice, if Zixu can't even compare with Lu Sihui, it would be a joke to participate in the national competition.

"Just kidding, naturally Zixu will win. He is the best archer of our brigade. If he is ranked second, no one would dare to rank first."

Commissar Zhang laughed loudly, feeling that Zhou Baichuan's appearance as if he was facing a formidable enemy was much better than when he was serious and serious, and he had a sense of intimacy.

Zhou Baichuan didn't look at him, his hands were behind his back, his sharp eyes were fixed on the training ground.

"ready, go."

A starter waved a small red flag and shouted loudly.

Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui pulled the trigger at the same time, and their reaction speed was fast enough.

"bang bang bang"

The sound of the arrows was connected, there was almost no gap, one arrow fell, and the second arrow had already been shot.

However, in this regard, Lu Sihui was still slightly inferior to Zhou Zixu, he shot the arrows in his backpack before her.

Zhou Zixu proudly raised his gun, his bright black star pupils shone even brighter in the sunlight.

Lu Sihui frowned and lowered her arms, and looked at him in defeat.

"Don't be discouraged, maybe you hit more targets than me!"

Zhou Zixu laughed, his laughter was like raindrops hitting bluestone, clear and sweet, there was no ridicule, only comfort.

He looked at her proudly, the stronger Sihui was, the more he loved her.

In Lu Sihui's eyes, he has now transformed into a powerful man, with the iron-blooded temperament unique to iron-blooded men, covering up his previous cynicism and making him even more dazzling.


She smiled, with a light and shallow smile, like a pear blossom quietly blooming, making her look pure and transparent, and her eyes were brighter and more charming.

"Leader Zhou has the 79th ring, and Lu Sihui has the [-]th ring."

The friend who reported the target over there yelled at them, and Lu Sihui pursed her lips. She lost, but she was convinced that she lost.

However, Zhou Zixu felt like he was winning by a narrow margin. Is this just one link away?The speed is only a few seconds slower than him, Sihui is too powerful.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, there is nothing wrong with Zixu's excellent archer hitting this target, but this little girl scored 79 points. Old Zhou, we may not get such a high score when we go up, but there are only eight bullets."

Commissar Zhang was shocked. He thought that this little girl could only shoot arrows, but he didn't expect her to be so good.


Zhou Baichuan didn't expect that this Lu Sihui was really good enough.

"But you have to know that there is still 200 meters of mixed shooting with bows and arrows. She may not be able to do it. After all, the crossbows are very heavy. Look at her arms, they don't have much strength."

Zhou Baichuan was nitpicking, and political commissar Zhang shook his head. This was another duplicity. It could be seen from his admiring eyes that he admired this little girl very much.

After all, there are too few little girls who have this ability, and they haven't seen a lesbian who is all-rounder in the past few years.

"Look, it's an unarmed fight against the enemy. This is how your eldest son lost to Zixu before."

Commissar Zhang was talking, but his eyes were fixed on the training ground!This is simply a great opportunity to discover talent.

Seeing Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui preparing to fight, he shouted excitedly.

Zhou Zisong put his hands behind his back, his eyebrows moved slightly, wondering who would win, his younger brother or Lu Sihui?
(End of this chapter)

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