chapter 693

"Sihui, forget it! Hitting you hurts my heart."

Zhou Zixu started to be poor again, he was really reluctant to shake his fist with Sihui, and looked at her with a smile, hoping that he would fight Captain Ma for this.

"I really want to beat you at this level."

However, Lu Sihui raised her face in dissatisfaction at him. She had been losing before, but now she wanted to win the round, and she refused to accept anyone in a fight.

"it is good."

A hint of pampering flashed across Zhou Zixu's brilliant peach eyes, she wanted to win, so he let her win.

Zhou Zisong stood with his hands behind his back, standing upright under the tree, his emotionless icy eyes were calm, even if he threw a flying fire into it, it would disappear without a trace in an instant.

The other friends all looked at Captain Ma. He had suffered from Lu Sihui before, and hoped that Captain Zhou could win back this face.

"Don't let me, show your strength, you are going to compete."

Lu Sihui frowned, explaining what Zhou Zixu was thinking.

"it is good
Zhou Zixu reluctantly agreed, but his deep eyes were as bright as stars in the sky, unfathomable.

"Captain Zhou, show your strength. You represent the security team, not just playing tricks."

Captain Ma came over and shouted in a rough voice. He said this in public because he was afraid that Zhou Zixu would let Lu Sihui fall.

"Friendship comes first, we're just training, what wins and loses?"

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows and gave him a charming smile, his lazy voice returned to his previous cynical tone, he didn't like being led by the nose by others.

"That's not right. Now that there is a competition, even in the usual training, the winner must be determined, and we must take it seriously."

Captain Ma blushed and distinguished Zhou Zixu with a thick neck. He is a serious person and a strong person, and he wants to win the game.

"How about this! Lu Sihui once beat you, if I lose to you, what if I lose to her?"

Zhou Zixu was still reluctant to throw punches and kicks at Lu Sihui, since Captain Ma had stepped forward, he had to give him a chance.

When I moved my shoulders, my joints made a rattling sound, and my long and narrow peach eyes were full of evil smiles. This is a silent challenge.

"Come on."

Captain Ma is quick-tempered and hot-tempered. Seeing him provoking like this, he naturally couldn't stand the excitement. He took off his uniform, revealing his strong muscles.

From this point of view, he seems to be stronger than Zhou Zixu, because he is half a head shorter than Zhou Zixu, plus he is a little fatter than him, which makes Zixu look a little thinner than him.

The corner of Zhou Zixu's mouth curled into a smile, but his eyes became more and more stern, making it impossible to ignore his powerful aura.

He is different from Captain Ma in shape. He has wide shoulders, thin waist and long legs. God treats him kindly. When he smiles, he is as warm as a spring breeze. When he cools down, he is like a wild lion. He is domineering and condescending. .

Lu Sihui frowned, and agreed that she would train with Zixu, so why is this captain horse making trouble?

"Sihui, wait for a while. It's rare for Captain Ma to accompany me to practice. Don't miss this good opportunity."

When Zhou Zixu looked at her, the coldness in his eyes disappeared instantly, as if he had never appeared before.

"All right!"

Lu Sihui frowned and wanted to refuse, but seeing his smile, she couldn't say anything against it.

It would be nice to see him compete with Captain Ma, as if she had watched his match ahead of time. Thinking of this, she stood on the sidelines in relief.

"Old Zhou, your youngest son is a tiger with a downhill head. He is majestic and has sharp eyes. Can you still see a little bit of his usual hippie smile?"

"It's too early to say these things, just watch!"

(End of this chapter)

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