Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 697 Don't cry without seeing the coffin

Chapter 697 Don't cry without seeing the coffin

Zhou Zixu smiled in a ruffian way, and successfully locked his brows into what the elder brother said, and looked at him even more severely.

"You took Lu Sihui to work without permission, and even used the company's emergency funds to give her practice. This violated the regulations and must be severely punished."

"Lu Sihui is number eight! Brother, I didn't bring her here privately. She is a member of the security department. As a member of the department, she doesn't use real arrows in practice. Why don't you use paper for her? "

Zhou Zixu looked around and said other things, with his hands behind his back, as if reminding Zhou Zisong.

A dark light flashed across Zhou Zisong's eyes, and the sternness in his eyes almost broke the ice.

The voice was still cold, but a little unnatural.

"She is only temporarily seconded, not staying in the security department for a long time. After the task is completed, she is no longer a member of the security department."

"Then I don't know! This is the secret of your leaders. I thought she was still a member of our security department! I will know in the future, and I will never bring her here again."

While Zhou Zixu was laughing, he had already pushed the blame completely.

Zhou Zisong was playing with a pen on the table, staring coldly at his innocent-looking younger brother.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk"

The pen struck the stack of reports on the table, making a dull sound.

The captivating gaze is full of menace, as if it can see through everything.

Zhou Zixu looked at him with a bright smile, turning a blind eye to his elder brother's sharp gaze that could freeze people to death, standing straight like a pines and cypresses, his dark eyes gradually raised vigilance.

He knew that he would not pass the test easily, if the eldest brother wanted to punish him, no matter how he justified, as long as he refused to accept it, the punishment would remain the same.

"Zhou Zixu, don't rely on taking part in the National All-Around Assessment Competition. You have nothing to worry about. Since you have violated the rules of the king today, I will punish you. It is useless to speak eloquently. You should honestly reflect on yourself! Someone, send Zhou Zixu away. Go to the small black house and lock it up for three days."

Zhou Zisong stood up slowly, a sneer appeared on the glacier's face that had never melted for thousands of years.

With his tall body, the coercion exuded from his whole body made this small office feel cramped, making people feel suffocated.


Zhou Zixu put away his smile, saluted his elder brother, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that he would have to be imprisoned for seven days!
It seems that what the elder brother said was tough, but in fact he was still scruples about the competition, so he gave him a few days of training.

"Don't delay training just because you close the small black room."

Before leaving, Zhou Zisong spoke suddenly, and there was a hint of concern in his voice.

Zhou Zixu stopped and didn't look back, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he raised his hand and shook it, and strode away.

Looking at each other two by two, Zhou Zixu and Zhao Jinchen became troubled brothers.

Seeing him coming, Zhao Jinchen asked him with his lips: "What did you do wrong?"

Zhou Zixu shrugged his shoulders with a smile, and also said with his lips, "I just want to come to accompany you."

These two people were not dull anymore, they didn't need to make a sound when talking between them. The guard comrades saw their lips moving, but because they didn't make a sound, they pretended not to see it.

Zhao Jinchen was brought back from the hospital by Zhou Zisong and put into confinement. The leader told him to calm down, but could he calm down?
The younger sister was in a coma and woke up for a while, the injury was so serious, he hasn't seen his parents go yet?As an older brother, he couldn't get out even in a hurry, and he had nowhere to ask for news.

In the confinement room for the past two days, he was restless, turning around like a trapped animal in the room.

Seeing Zhou Zixu coming, he immediately wanted to know how his sister was doing?

"Do you know about my sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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