Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 698 Is the Mother-Child Fate

Chapter 698 Is the Mother-Child Fate

Zhou Zixu shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands to show that he was not clear. He knew that Zhao Yuying had been beaten and was hospitalized, but he didn't bother to look at her.

This girl is not a kind girl, she has hurt Sihui a few times, and she is crazy about him, so he will not go to see her!
Zhao Jinchen slumped down on Xingjun's bed, slowly clenched his hands, and slammed them against the wall.

Regretting that I only punched that Zhou Zheng a few times, how can there be such a hateful man?What kind of skill is it to hit a woman with your hands?
Zhou Zixu squinted his eyes and looked towards the sky. At this time, it was almost dusk, and the clouds were reflected by the afterglow of the setting sun, forming pieces of sunset clouds connected together like fairy feathers.

It's rare to calm down to appreciate this beautiful natural scenery, Zhao Jinchen looked crazy, he didn't persuade him, people always have to calm down by themselves.

Just like when his mother just died, he just hid himself, tortured him severely, didn't want to talk to anyone, and lived in guilt and self-blame.

Now that he's calmed down, he's relieved that his mother is great, and at critical times her instinct prompts her to sacrifice herself to protect the child.

And he was just an ignorant child at that time, he didn't know the danger, otherwise he wouldn't play in the middle of the road.

I figured it out, that is, the relationship between mother and child is shallow, what he has to do is to make himself outstanding, so that his mother can be proud of him even under the nine springs.

Zhao Jinchen, is this nothing?After all, Zhao Yuying didn't die, she was just beaten, and he had vented his anger on her, so what else could he want?Do you really want to kill someone?

Therefore, at this moment, he understood why his elder brother wanted to lock up Zhao Jinchen. According to his current mood, if he were to stay outside, something serious would happen.

Comrades are well-trained. If you don't keep a sense of proportion, you can easily kill someone. The eldest brother is protecting him.

"Zhao Jinchen, let's compete to see who can do the most push-ups! It's better than you hitting the wall. It can distract you and exercise your body."

He turned his arms back and forth, pretending to be ready, and shouted to Zhao Jinchen with a smile.

"Don't speak."

Comrade Fangsiao had no choice but to stop Zhou Zixu at this time, but when facing him, he lacked confidence. He was the leader, and he was just a small whistler.

Leaders don't always make mistakes, they are older than him when they go out, and taking care of him is like playing.

"Why don't you come together! You're tired from standing like this, why don't you practice with us."

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows and smiled at him. His eyes are really attractive, very dark, with the depth of a man, but also a bit of the innocence of a boy. When he smiles, the corners of his eyes are raised, adding a touch of coquettishness.

The kid's face darkened, and he turned away from looking at him.

"Come on, let's start."

Zhou Zixu no longer teased Comrade Guard, but waved at Zhao Jinchen, who first lay prone on the ground.

Zhao Jinchen bit his lower lip, he was full of anxiety and had nowhere to vent, Zhou Zixu's proposal was also good, he exhausted all his energy, naturally he had no time to think about other things.

"Okay. Come."

With one hand propped on the ground, he looked at Zhou Zixu provocatively.

But he saw a ruffian smile, propped one finger on the ground, and raised his eyebrows at him.

Gritting his teeth, will he be worse than him?Also changed to a finger, the two looked at each other, and began to do one-handed push-ups.

Comrade guard grinned at him, he really couldn't do this, no wonder he was the leader!The strength of these fingers is greater than the strength of his wrist.

Three days later, Zhou Zixu walked out of the small black room full of energy, smiled and waved at Zhao Jinchen: "I'll go first, and I'll come to accompany you after the game."

"Help me to see my sister."

(End of this chapter)

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