Chapter 699

Zhao Jinchen hasn't forgotten about this matter, and begged Zhou Zixu, he was afraid that after he left, his sister would be bullied by Zhou Zheng again.

"Sorry, I can't promise you."

The smile on Zhou Zixu's face disappeared, his face darkened, and he directly refused the old comrade's request, he didn't want to cause trouble.

It's not because of Zhou Zheng's family, but because of Zhao Yuying.

"It's okay, I see."

The hope in Zhao Jinchen's eyes disappeared little by little. He couldn't ask Zhou Zixu what to do. His sister did some things too much.

Especially for Lu Sihui, Zhou Zixu loved Lu Sihui so much, so he naturally disliked Yuying's actions.

He has an unruly personality, he doesn't like a person, and he won't give him face just because he is an old comrade.

It's better for him to refuse like this than perfunctory.

But being clear is one thing, and I still feel a little uncomfortable.

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows, his silhouette was outlined by the afternoon sun, and his stern eyes were full of arrogance. He believed that Zhao Jinchen knew him well, and good brothers would not be separated because of one incident.

"I'm leaving, take care."

Thin lips uttered a few words, turned around and strode away, the sunlight stretched his tall figure very long, Zhao Jinchen looked up at him until his back disappeared.

Sitting on the bed slumped, I suddenly envied Zhou Zixu's free and easy personality, expressing his likes and dislikes clearly, and not forcing himself because of affection.

On the other hand, he himself
Everything is unsatisfactory, life is too orthodox, but I feel very hard.

Lu Sihui didn't know Zhou Zixu at all, because she was locked up, she had already returned to the publicity team, doing daily monotonous basic skills training, rehearsing dances, and practicing old songs.

All this became more and more boring, the most important thing was the small conflicts between the lesbians from time to time, which made her feel even more irritable.

"Squad leader, look, Huang Yaomei got all the water on the mirror, how do you take a picture?"

Li Mei came to complain to Lu Sihui again because of a small matter. Lu Sihui glanced at the small mirror lightly, but it was just two drops of water, and it was clean after wiping. She wanted to trouble Huang Yaomei.

This is not the first time recently, and I don't know why she is?Just look down on Huang Yaomei.

"That's clean. They're all comrades in the same class. Aren't they afraid of being laughed at by other classes?"

Lu Sihui took out a handkerchief and wiped it clean for her, handed it to her casually, and taught Li Mei a lesson.

"Squad leader, why do you always turn to her? I'm talking about this. This is the dormitory. She's not the only one. After washing her hair, she throws water everywhere, and it's everywhere. I'm talking about her behavior."

Li Mei still looked angry, and put the mirror on the table, refusing to let it go.

"Then what do you mean?"

Lu Sihui's eyes were full of light, looking at her like a cold scalpel, piercing her heart and seeing through her mind.

"It's nothing interesting, just let her pay attention."

Being stared at by her like this, Li Mei lowered her head nervously and muttered softly.

"If you really ask her to pay attention, just talk to her carefully. Huang Yaomei is not an unreasonable person, and she will change naturally. You came to complain to me, don't you just want me to punish her?"

Lu Sihui's voice was cold and stern, pointing to Li Mei's heart, the little girl didn't have any good intentions at all, so she just made a small report behind the scenes.

Lu Sihui herself has suffered this kind of loss, and it is this kind of person who annoys her the most.

Li Mei was flustered by her look, subconsciously put her feet together, saluted and apologized; "Yes, I'll go and talk to her."


Lu Sihui let out a foul breath and looked out the window. Zixu has already set off now, right?Will he be number one?She's still waiting for him to propose to her

(End of this chapter)

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