Chapter 807
"Eldest nephew, Sihui, can you listen to uncle before leaving?"

Zhao Yaozu stood in front of the car, so naturally Zhou Zixu couldn't drive.

"Get in the car! It's cold outside."

He opened the back door and called Zhao Yaozu, and the old man came forward, which is not easy to say.

"Sihui, I know what Yuying did was a little too much, but you don't know what happened to her?"

Zhao Yaozu looked at Lu Sihui when he got in the car and said, women are soft-hearted, as long as she is persuaded, she will go to persuade Zhou Zixu.

Lu Sihui looked at him indifferently, this old man helped her in her most difficult time, and logically he was kind to her.

Although she reciprocated, she just couldn't forget the benefits of others.

"Yuying her"

Seeing that Lu Sihui remained silent, Zhao Yaozu had no choice but to tell her about the fact that Zhao Yuying was beaten back to her natal home by Zhou Zheng, and her children didn't even recognize her.

"Now she is in the hospital, and she screams ghosts when she wakes up. Seeing that she is crazy, they are all from the same village. Can you give Uncle a face, and I will pay for the tires."

Zhao Yaozu took out the money and handed it to Lu Sihui, if the money can be settled, that would be the best.

"It's not about money. We just got married. Do you think this breath can be swallowed?"

Lu Sihui asked coldly, what does it have to do with Zhao Yuying being beaten by Zhou Zheng?
She thought that when she was beaten, she could learn to be smart!Dare to marry him?She found the man herself, and she deserved it.

"Sihui, for the sake of Uncle and your aunt, can you make a concession?"

Zhao Yaozu is a proud man. He has been the village head all his life, but now he wants to beg Lu Sihui for his daughter.

I really feel that there is a crack in the ground that can be drilled in, and I am so ashamed.

"Yes, but this is the last time. Next time, if you have anything to do, don't come to me. Otherwise, everyone will lose face."

Seeing the tears in Zhao Yaozu's eyes, as if the portrait was a few years older, Lu Sihui had no choice but to vomit.

It was also because she knew that even if the police dealt with this matter, they would not be sentenced to a serious sentence, and they would probably be detained and fined.

She has punished them enough, the two of them are going to have nightmares for a while, maybe they are really crazy!
"Okay, thank you."

Hearing that Lu Sihui agreed, Zhao Yaozu handed over the money; "This is my compensation, I don't know if it is enough?"

His hands were trembling a little, and his expression was also very bad. Lu Sihui felt that something was wrong.

"Forget about the money, Uncle, you go to the hospital for an examination, I think something is wrong, Zixu, drive Uncle to the hospital."

Lu Sihui didn't take any money, 20 yuan is not too little, so it's nothing if you don't want it?
Her and Zixu's wages add up to more than 80 yuan a month. Except for the money needed for Jianguo to go to school, it is the money for Zixu to buy cigarettes, and the rest is not much.

But Zhao Jinchen's family is different, only his salary, a big family pointing to his salary, is not enough to spend at all.

"I'll just go there by myself."

Zhao Yaozu sighed, stuffed the money secretly under the seat cushion, and struggled to get out of the car.

As soon as the car door was opened, he fell headlong to the ground, and his personnel were unknown.

"Abbe? Sihui, hurry up and get the bedding, we have to send him to the hospital."

Zhou Zixu hurried over to help Zhao Yaozu up, and called Lu Sihui to get the quilt.

"You go! I will take care of him."

Lu Sihui's eyes flickered, and she directed Zhou Zixu to go back and get things.

"Or forget it, send the person first."

Zhou Zixu didn't want to delay the rescue time, so he directly opened the cab door and jumped on it impatiently.

"Don't worry, I'll give it a try, you go get the bedding."

Lu Sihui said something vaguely, seeing Zhao Yaozu's appearance, his face was flushed, his lips were purple, and the situation was very bad.

"What can you see?"

(End of this chapter)

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