Chapter 808
Zhou Zixu was in a hurry. Human life is at stake, and doctors are the ones who save lives.

"Do you believe me or not? I know there is an acupoint, and pressing it can save lives. Go get the bedding, and don't interfere with my saving lives."

Lu Sihui's voice was anxious, time was running out, she could only lie to Zhou Zixu.

"Sihui, we can't mess around."

Zhou Zixu has already started the engine. He is a favorite of 1. Daughter-in-law, but he is not without principles.

"You don't believe me? If Uncle died because of your wasting time, would you feel guilty?"

Lu Sihui's voice turned cold, she was angry that Zixu didn't believe her, but she didn't think about it, Zhou Zixu didn't know that she had a space capsule?

It's not in his character to let people go.

"I'm looking at you, save people!"

Zhou Zixu's eyes turned cold, thinking that Sihui was just making trouble.

"You go into the house to get the needle, and use the needle to bleed."

Lu Sihui had no choice but to change the subject. Anyway, Zixu didn't know medical skills, so she lied to her.

"Okay! I'll be right back. Within 3 minutes, if Uncle Zhao is not good enough, I won't be able to listen to you anymore."

Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui seriously, and seeing her determined expression, he felt that she might really have a bottom line in her heart.

After all, he stayed in the special training base for half a year, so he had some medical knowledge.

"Hurry up! If you dawdle any longer, Uncle will really be hopeless."

Lu Sihui frowned and urged him.

"Okay, I'll be right back."

Zhou Zixu opened the door and got out of the car. The engine of the car was not turned off, and he ran home quickly.

"Examine him quickly and cure him."

Lu Sihui gave an order to the robot in the space capsule.

"Okay, master."

The robot replied, and put Zhao Yaozu on the instrument for inspection and treatment.

"Cerebral congestion, aortic hemorrhage, recovering."

The machine reported bluntly, and Lu Sihui looked anxiously at the instrument, which was turning slowly.

Looking back at home, Zhou Zixu ran into the house and will be back soon, time is limited.

Lu Sihui ordered loudly, "Treat yourself quickly."

"Recovering, enter the countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven."

The robot counted down the seconds unhurriedly, and Lu Sihui's palms were covered with cold sweat. This was too slow, and she looked at the screen anxiously.

Zhou Zixu rummaged through the room in a hurry. He opened the drawer but didn't know how to close it, and even threw the contents out.

She kept staring at the screen, but she didn't care about Zhao Yaozu over there. There are robots and equipment, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

Zhou Zixu seemed to have found the needle, and ran out of the house quickly.

"Send people out."

Lu Sihui hastily ordered, just at the end of the countdown, Zhao Yaozu was sent out of the space capsule.

When Zhou Zixu ran over to open the door, he saw Zhao Yaozu opened his eyes in confusion, as if he didn't know what happened to him.

"Uncle, how are you feeling?"

Seeing that Zhao Yaozu woke up, Zhou Zixu didn't pass the needle to his daughter-in-law, fearing that she would give Zhao Yaozu the needle regardless.

"It's just a little dizzy, as if it was moved by someone just now."

Zhao Yaozu recalled carefully, frowning to express his discomfort.

It seemed that I was thrown onto a cold table just now, and then I heard Lu Sihui's voice, she was giving an order, what did she say?He forgot.

Before, my head was buzzing, and my blood vessels seemed to be about to explode, but now I feel a little dizzy, and I feel much better.

"It's fine, you scared us all, I'll take you to the hospital."

Seeing that he was still conscious, Zhou Zixu was greatly relieved, but he still wanted to send him to the hospital for a doctor's examination before he could rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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