Chapter 809
Poor parents all over the world, Zhao Yaozu wanted Zhou Zixu to see the miserable state of his daughter, so that he would not regret it.

At this moment, what he was thinking about was not himself, but that unworthy daughter.

Lu Sihui pursed her lips and opened the door to get out of the car, opened the passenger door and sat in front.

The mood is still in a state of anxiety, just now I was really afraid that Zhao Yaozu would see the situation inside the space capsule, she was a little risky.

On the way, Zhou Zixu said a few words to Zhao Yaozu from time to time, the purpose was to keep him awake and never faint again.

Half an hour later, they sent Zhao Yaozu to the Municipal People's Hospital.

"Uncle, I'll take you in."

Zhou Zixu looked back at Zhao Yaozu, his face looked okay, but he was still a little worried, it would be better to hand it over to Zhao Jinchen himself.

"Okay, Sihui, do you want to get out of the car?"

Zhao Yaozu nodded, looked at Lu Sihui and asked, he knew that Zhou Zixu listened to Sihui more.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui nodded calmly, she really wanted to see how miserable Zhao Yuying and Fang Fang were?
Moreover, she was very curious, how did these two people get together?

One is in the countryside and the other is in the city, and they don't have a phone. How did they get in touch?
"Uncle, how did Fang Fang and your Yuying get together?"

She was curious on one side, but Zhou Zixu on the other side had already asked for her.

Lu Sihui raised her eyes to look at him, with a smile in her eyes, and found that they still had a good understanding, what was she thinking?Zixu seemed to know all about it.

"Oh, it's annoying to talk about it. My daughter is confinement at home, and that Fang Fang came to see her suddenly with something, and chatted with my daughter alone for a long time. Yesterday morning, Jin Chen had just left, and I The girl disappeared, I searched everywhere but couldn't find it, I didn't know that they were sent to the hospital in the middle of the night, and today the police came to the hospital to look for them, I didn't know that the dead girl did something stupid?"

Speaking of this incident, Zhao Yaozu's face turned red with anger, Zhao Yuying was still in confinement, and ran into the snow without knowing what to do, freezing for half the night, if no one found out, she would have lost her life.

What worries him and his wife the most is that there seems to be something wrong with her lower limbs, and she doesn't know whether to urinate or defecate, and she urinates on the bed.

Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu looked at each other, fish looking for fish, shrimp looking for shrimp, these two women who smell like each other did not succeed in harming others, but themselves.

The ward was on the second floor. As soon as the three of them went upstairs, they heard sounds like wild cats crowing, one after another, and they felt panicked when they heard it in broad daylight.

"It's Yuying."

Zhao Yaozu's expression changed drastically, and he quickly ran towards Ward 213.

"Sihui, do you still want to see it?"

Zhou Zixu looked at his wife. Hearing the voice, those two were really crazy.

"Of course we have to watch it. They are the best performers. Maybe they are pretending to be crazy in case the police will catch them!"

Lu Sihui smiled slightly and looked at Zhou Zixu. The two in the room were both women who had a deep love for him and were crazy about him.

She really wanted to know what Zixu was thinking now?
"Then go! If it's ugly, you should leave immediately."

Seeing the mischief in her eyes, Zhou Zixu shook his head helplessly. He understood what she was thinking?
He only has her in his heart. If Sihui is sick, he will feel sorry for him. As for other women, what does it matter to him?

Lu Sihui looked at him puzzled, even if the two of them were as ugly as zombies now, she didn't care.

Zhou Zixu looked at her with affection in his eyes, as if there was spring water flowing through his eyes, Lu Sihui looked at him with a frown, what do you mean?
Why does this expression seem to be malicious?

(End of this chapter)

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