Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 813 Why not do it?

Chapter 813 Why not do it?
"Then be careful, if you encounter a ferocious animal, go up the tree and wait for me to rescue you."

Zhou Zixu thought for a while, this is a good way, he couldn't go back empty-handed after coming here, put his hands to his mouth, and yelled at her.

"Understood, you too, be careful."

Lu Sihui walked into the depths of the woods without turning her head, but waved her hands behind her and gave him the same advice.

Zixu is smart and powerful, so she shouldn't be in danger. As for herself, she is even less likely to be in danger. She has a space capsule and a laser beam, and no matter how large an animal is, it can't hold two arrows.

After walking far enough, as far as she could see, she found no footprints of small animals.

She could only continue to go deeper. She looked back from time to time to make sure that Zixu hadn't followed. She hid behind a tree as thick as a person and entered the space capsule.

"Show me Zixu's location, and look for a wild boar or elk."

She gave an order to the robot, and she stayed in the warm space capsule, her hands and feet were numb from the cold, and she soon regained consciousness.

"Report, Zhou Zixu is moving slowly at 1000 meters to the north, elk is at 500 meters to the south, and wild boars are in a small cave at 860 and [-] meters to the north. There are three of them, two big ones and one small one."

The robot quickly reported to her, Lu Sihui thought about it, and decided to go hunting elk.

Wild boars are a family of three, not to mention the dangers of hunting wild boars, it also breaks up the family.

She just got married, lived a happy life, and didn't want to be a villain.

"Go find the elk, kill it, and wait for me to catch it."

She gave an order to the robot, which can save energy, so why not do it?

With a promise, the robot left the space capsule, opened its back, stretched out a pair of wings, changed from walking to flying, and flew towards the south.

Lu Sihui walked towards the location of the elk unhurriedly. If she walked the 500 meters by herself, the elk would have left long ago, and a lot of precious time would be wasted.

She still wants to go back to grandpa's house with Zixu before dark!The father-in-law is very good to himself now, he hasn't tasted the game he roasted yet!

Zhou Zixu walked all the way to the north. As he walked, he tilted his head and thought for a while, then turned around and walked back.

He remembered that on the way here, he seemed to have seen the footprints of wild animals.

It was just covered in floating snow, which he thought was long ago.

The reason why he went back to have a look was because he seemed to have found a cave.

Where there are caves, there are prey, go over and have a look, catch something early, so that you can bring Sihui home.

Otherwise, according to her character, she will not give up until she hits a wild animal.

Lu Sihui walked to the position of 500 meters and saw the robot standing beside the elk that had been killed, waiting for her.

She shook her head and sighed, this robot just can't do it, its brain can't be flexible, so it can't bring its prey back to find itself?
It's just that there is one less command, so look for a single muscle and wait for yourself here.

"Put it in the space capsule and go back."

She gave the order, and the robot moved the elk back to the capsule.

Lu Sihui hurried back, she was going to find Zhou Zixu.

"Look where Zhou Zixu is?"

She gave orders to the robots in the capsule.

He didn't stop under his feet, and walked back on the footsteps of when he came.

There is also an advantage to going into the mountains in winter. If you step on your own footprints, as long as you walk in a straight line, you will not get lost.

After waiting for a while, I heard the robot report "Zhou Zixu is 900 meters to the north, 35 meters away from the wild boar cave."

(End of this chapter)

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