Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 814 Hunting Competition

Chapter 814 Hunting Competition
The robot's emotionless voice narrated what he saw, and Lu Sihui was terrified.

Zixu ran to the wild boar cave alone, but there were two adult wild boars inside, which was too dangerous.

"Think of a way and send me there quickly."

Lu Sihui was impatient so she was not afraid of being discovered, so she gave an order to the robot.


The robot stepped out of the space capsule, opened its back, stretched out its wings, and then, under Lu Sihui's gaze, flew into the air holding her waist.

Its speed is very fast, and there is a sound of wind when it flies. Ordinary people would be afraid of it, but Lu Sihui's heart is on Zhou Zixu, and she doesn't feel any fear. On the contrary, she dislikes it for flying too slowly.

"Put me behind the big tree."

Looking far away in the air, she saw Zhou Zixu's figure. He was really too tall. In this vast white mountain, his green uniform was particularly conspicuous.

Lu Sihui was afraid that he would find herself flying in the air, so she hurriedly gave orders to the robot.

After landing, she eagerly lifted the elk out of the space capsule, exhausted her dantian energy, and shouted loudly in the direction of Zhou Zixu.

"Zixu, I can't carry it anymore, come and help me."

While shouting, she dragged the elk towards Zhou Zixu in the snow.

There are footprints on the ground that he stepped on, and it is easy to walk.

The elk dragged a deep ditch on the ground, and the snow was slippery, so it was easy to drag it.

"Zi Xu."

She was shouting while walking, the clear voice echoed in the mountains, shaking off the snow on the branches.

"I'm here, you stand where you are and wait for me."

Zhou Zixu was only ten meters away from the wild boar cave. Hearing Lu Sihui's shout, he glanced at the wild boar cave which was close at hand. After a moment of hesitation, he chose to go to Sihui.

Just a few minutes after leaving, two brown wild boars came out of the hole, their small dark brown eyes looked around vigilantly, their two fangs were shining coldly, and their noses sniffed the surrounding smell.

Zhou Zixu walked back stepping on his footsteps, while Lu Sihui's shouts were still going on over there, he just had to follow the voice to find it.

"Sihui, don't move around, I'll find you right away."

His voice was clearer and colder, very penetrating, Lu Sihui heard it soon, and shouted at him.

"I'll wait for you here, hurry up, I shot an elk."

The reason why she yelled like that was because she was afraid that Zixu would take a risk, and she still missed the two wild boars.

He lowered his head to check the wound on the elk. The wound was small, like a round hole pierced by an awl.

Fortunately, she found it in time, otherwise Zixu would have asked her what she used to kill the elk.

Pulling out the dagger, taking off the outer sheath of the dagger, mending the wound severely, and checking it again, he put the dagger into the sheath with satisfaction, and dragged the elk towards Zhou Zixu.

She had to keep the traces farther away to prevent Zixu from seeing his fault.

"Sihui, I found that you are very good at hunting. I haven't found a single prey here. You have already caught such a fat elk."

Zhou Zixu joined her soon, and when he saw the fat elk she was dragging, he gave her a thumbs up in admiration.

If there is a hunting competition, he will definitely lose.

"Go home! It's almost dark."

Lu Sihui threw the elk to Zhou Zixu with peace of mind. He is a man with greater strength than herself, and she will not argue with him on this point.

Zhou Zixu was also smart. He found a dead tree branch and tied a sledge, tied the elk to it, and dragged the sledge with the rope he brought, which made it much easier.

Seeing Lu Sihui abandoning him and walking in front, Zhou Zixu saw that Xue Ke was deep, stepped on it, and swayed back and forth, like a duck walking. He chased after her with a smile, and winked mischievously at her.

"Sihui, did you play with sledges when you were young?"

(End of this chapter)

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