Chapter 822

Old man Zhou looked at his eldest grandson with a wide smile on his face, and finally waited for him to say something. Next, he will find a partner for his grandson with great fanfare.

Zhou Zisong looked out the window again with cold eyes, Zhou Zixu dragged Dongsheng to run quickly in the snow, Dongsheng giggled.

His eyes flickered, he seemed to owe Dong Sheng a lot, and he was not as good as his uncle Zi Xu.

"I'll go out and see."

Turning around and walking towards the door, leaving a word to grandpa, but still not formally agreeing to grandpa.

"Dad, I didn't expect that Zixu's marriage would touch Zisong."

Zhou Baichuan walked up to old man Zhou with a tea cup in his hand, handed him the tea, and stood by the window with his father, looking at his youngest son outside.

His happiness is written on his face, and his smile makes this winter night not feel cold.

The corners of his mouth raised accordingly, and he also infected his son's happiness.

"Yeah! Sihui is a lucky star. After being with her, Zixu has become so much better. He has won glory for our security team. He has broken three records and graduated from the No. 1 training school. It's amazing. You don't think so. Are you proud?"

When Master Zhou talked about Zixu and Sihui, his eyes were full of pride. He really liked these two children, they were a perfect match.

"Sihui is a good boy. I was lucky that Zixu persisted."

Embarrassment flashed across Zhou Baichuan's face, he didn't say anything, but in his heart, he was still proud of his son.

"People are not sages, and there is nothing wrong with it. Fortunately, you corrected your mistakes, otherwise, you will lose your son Zixu."

Master Zhou looked at his son solemnly. Zixu's character is very stubborn. Don't look at his always playful and smiling face. If he really breaks his heart, their father and son will be enemies for the rest of their lives.

Zhou Baichuan pursed his lips and did not answer. He stood against the light and his expression was unclear, but what was certain was that he was thinking deeply about this question.

Will he regret losing his son Zixu?

Lu Sihui opened the door and entered the room, bringing a chill, the conversation between the father and son stopped abruptly, and they both looked at Lu Sihui who was changing shoes.

"Sihui, my grandson is so kind to you, even the wooden sledge doesn't even tell grandpa to sit on it."

Mr. Zhou said something to Lu Sihui half-jokingly, and it sounded like he was jealous.

"Haha, Grandpa, he is afraid of throwing you down, so he can't bear the responsibility."

Lu Sihui smiled and helped Zixu explain.

"I'm going to cook something delicious for you."

Seeing that her grandfather was still looking gloomy, Lu Sihui smiled and coaxed him, a warm family, very warm, she wants to love everyone in this family.

"Okay, make more, less will not be enough for grandpa."

The old man was just pretending, but when he heard Lu Sihui's words, he joked with her.

"Okay, a big pot! You can't eat it."

Lu Sihui agreed to go to the kitchen, the smile on her mouth was maintained until she entered the kitchen.

"A virtuous daughter-in-law, Zixu is really blessed."

Mr. Zhou praised Lu Sihui to his son, and he was very proud of it. Fortunately, he persisted, otherwise such a good granddaughter-in-law might marry someone else.

"Aunt Su, go and see Dongsheng, I'm afraid Zixu will throw him again."

As soon as Lu Sihui entered the kitchen, she started to chase people away. The meat pot was already open, and the room was filled with hot steam and the delicious smell of stewed meat. It would be too late if you didn't put in the ingredients.

"All right, I've washed and chopped the shredded pork, I've also chopped the onion, ginger, and garlic, and the shredded chili. Thank you for your hard work."

Aunt Su took off her apron and gave instructions, and then she ran out in a hurry.

After she left, Lu Sihui hurried into the space capsule to take out the materials, and they were pouring them into the pot!The door opened.

(End of this chapter)

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