Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 823 Broken, On Fire

Chapter 823 Broken, On Fire
She was so frightened that she suddenly raised her head and looked towards the door. She was relieved when she saw Zhou Zixu standing there.

"Why are you back? Who brought Dongsheng to play?"

She calmly covered the pot, and the kerosene stove on the other side was lit, waiting to stir-fry the shredded pork.

"Brother is out, I have to give him a chance to show off as a father."

Zhou Zixu picked up the eggs on the case and tossed them for fun, just like the three other flowers.

Lu Sihui frowned and stared at the egg, she was ready, as soon as Zhou Zixu missed, she would fly over to rescue the egg.

Nothing can be wasted, this is a good habit she developed in the last days.

"Hey, look at how nervous you are, I'm sure."

Seeing his daughter-in-law's wary look, Zhou Zixu stopped playing cool with a smile.

Put the eggs back into the flower basket honestly, and walked towards Lu Sihui.

The kitchen was not big, and Zhou Zixu was tall and strong, so once he came in, the kitchen seemed very small.

"Get out! This room is full of water vapor, and I'm about to cook, I'll choke you."

Lu Sihui stretched out her hand and pushed him out of the room. It was enough to smell of oily smoke all by herself, so he also came to join in the fun.

"I'll learn, and I'll cook for you in the future."

Zhou Zixu grabbed her hand, since he came in, he didn't want to go out!

Facing a serious father, it is better to stay with his wife here.

"Forget it, you are wasting food by cooking."

Lu Sihui glanced at him and teased him with a smile.

"That was the beginning of learning, and I will definitely not be able to do it now."

Zhou Zixu said with a serious face, he is not afraid of failure, and he does not believe that he will never learn to cook.

"Let's study again at home, shall we?"

Lu Sihui looked at him helplessly, and Zhou Zixu couldn't help his heart throbbing when he saw her coquettish eyes.

He lowered his head, pushed her against the wall, and kissed her pure without hesitation.

"Stop making trouble, Aunt Su is back."

Lu Sihui pushed him with a blushing face, someone might come in at any time, Zixu was too courageous.

"Hush, Aunt Su is outside! Give me another kiss."

Zhou Zixu licked her mouth again, feeling the softness of her mouth, and his heartbeat started to speed up again.

She lowered her head and wanted to continue the heat, but was pushed away by Lu Sihui.

"It's broken, it's on fire."

Oil is hot in the pan!The flame is still so big, and now the pot has started to smoke.

Lu Sihui hurried over to turn off the fire, and put the pot lid on it.

Staring at Zhou Zixu angrily, he ordered to die: "Get out."


Zhou Zixu, who did something wrong, put his feet together, gave Lu Sihui a salute and agreed, and hurriedly opened the door and left.

The romance didn't work out, but instead angered the daughter-in-law.

Aunt Su just came to open the door. When she opened the door, she was greeted with choking black smoke. She coughed and waved her hands.

"Sihui, what's going on?"

"The pot is too hot, it's on fire, you go out first!"

Lu Sihui's face flushed, who cooks!Want to cuddle 1 hug kiss 1. Hot?
"Other things, you go out! I'm cooking, don't smoke you."

Aunt Su still knew her identity, so she asked Lu Sihui to go out, and she stayed in the kitchen.

"It's okay, I'm going to stir-fry the shredded venison soon, the chili is very spicy, I'll be fine."

Lu Sihui said that she wanted to cook for her grandfather and father-in-law herself, so she naturally didn't want others to intervene.

"Okay then! Let me see if the meat is cooked."

Aunt Su didn't leave, but walked towards the cauldron of meat.

Lu Sihui began to clean the pot again, pouring oil and chili peppers.

The kitchen was full of the smell of meat just now, but now it is full of spicy chili smell, making Aunt Su burst into tears.

Looking at Lu Sihui, as if she was doing nothing, she was frying vegetables in an orderly manner. She held her nose and leaned over, wondering how she cooked?

(End of this chapter)

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