Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 825 I made a fuss out of a molehill

Chapter 825 I made a fuss out of a molehill
"Dad, isn't it delicious?"

Seeing his father swallowing the meat, Zhou Zixu couldn't wait to ask him.

Zhou Baichuan looked at his son indifferently, it wasn't his cooking, why are you so nervous?He replied with a deep and cold voice: "You will know if you try it yourself?"

The smile on Zhou Zixu's face froze, he withdrew it a little bit, picked up the chopsticks on the table, and ate in silence.

Zhou Baichuan frowned?What he said is right, is it delicious? Shouldn't you try it yourself to know?

Seeing that his son was so rigid, Mr. Zhou wanted to know if he liked it, but he just said something useless.

"Ahem, Zixu, the meat made by Sihui is always so delicious. Grandpa loves it."

He gave his grandson a step down. Hearing his father's words, Zhou Baichuan looked thoughtfully at his son with a cold face and his daughter-in-law with a calm face.

"Sihui, it's delicious. Dad loves it."

He finally knew why his son was unhappy, and it was the first time he accommodated Zixu, and praised his daughter-in-law according to his thoughts.

"Dad, you can eat as long as you like."

Lu Sihui smiled, feeling very happy in her heart, not because her father-in-law had to boast about herself, but because she was recognized, she always felt in a good mood.

Zhou Zixu still kept his head down and ate meat silently, as if he didn't hear what his father said.

"Zixu, get some food for your father."

Zhou Laozi saw that the situation was not right, and the father-son relationship that had finally been turned around could no longer be frozen.

Kicked Zhou Zixu and gave him orders,

"My dad can come, and besides, I don't know which dish he likes to eat?"

Zhou Zixu replied in a muffled voice, without looking up at his grandfather, he was still sulking!

"I clamp it myself."

Zhou Baichuan's face turned cold, he stayed at home specially for his son today, brat, and still playing temper with himself?

Mr. Zhou sighed, looking sullenly at the two delicious dishes on the table, he lost his appetite.

"Dad, if you can eat spicy food, eat more stir-fried shredded venison."

Lu Sihui didn't want to see her grandpa worry, so she stood up and took food for her father-in-law.

Zhou Zixu raised his eyes and glanced at her, his depressed mood was slapped across the face.

He was angry because he thought his father treated Sihui badly, but Sihui didn't notice, and he thought he was making a fuss out of a molehill.

"Thank you."

Zhou Baichuan's face froze, and his daughter-in-law took the initiative to bring food for him?The feeling in his heart is very subtle.

Glancing at his son, he snorted coldly: "Give your daughter-in-law some food, and you'll know how to eat it yourself."

Obviously he was taught a lesson, but Zhou Zixu's sullen face turned sunny, he smiled and pulled Lu Sihui to sit back in the chair, pointing to the dishes on the table and asking her.

"Okay, Sihui, what do you want to eat?"

"I'll be fine by myself."

Zixu was happy, and Lu Sihui felt in a good mood, so she picked a big piece of meat for her younger brother.

"Jianguo, eat more, you will grow stronger."

"Thank you ma'am."

Lu Jianguo thanked his sister nervously, he didn't dare to add food himself, Zhou Baichuan and Zhou Zisong were both at home, so he was afraid.

"Is Jianguo going to middle school soon?"

Zhou Baichuan looked at Lu Jianguo, seeing his nervousness, and asked in a soft voice as much as possible.

This is also the first time he chatted with this child, and he cared about him.

"I will be in junior high school this year."

Lu Jianguo was sweating nervously, and agreed in a low voice.

"Well, tell Uncle after you finish the exam. I have an old comrade who works in the city's Education Bureau. I will ask him to arrange you to go to a middle school in the city. It's too far away from home."

Zhou Baichuan picked up his wine glass and took a sip. He ate the food his daughter-in-law had picked up, feeling very happy, and discussed school matters with Lu Jianguo.

Lu Sihui looked at her younger brother excitedly. Now that school is too far away from home, she can only live in school and go home only during holidays. She is worried.

(End of this chapter)

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